Home / Daily Message / February 12, 2023

February 12, 2023



      The great expanse is, within you, it is the vastness that is, within you.  I AM calling you to close your eyes, to the ways of the world, and step into My love, which is, within you.  Come unto Me, and I will open the eyes of your soul, as we sit in communion.  Look deep, into creation, and see.  See mountains, and valleys, rivers, and deserts, all transparent, yet present, illusive, yet real.  All things, all dominions, all dimensions, are reflections of My creation, separated only by light, tones, and vibrations, energy moving, so all might stand uniquely, as one, one in one.  All in One.  One in All.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Roots, trunk, branches, and leaves can be seen separately, or seen as one tree.  Flour, salt, yeast, and water can be seen separately, or seen as one loaf of bread.  All can be seen separately or seen as one.  All in One.  One in All.