God Speaks

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      When the light, of the sun, touches a solitary dewdrop, resting, on a leaf, of a tree, the dewdrop responds, brilliantly, with colors, flashing.  And when this show, of light, catches your eye, you are brought to pay attention to that solitary dewdrop, resting, on the leaf, of the tree, shining out, with colors brilliant, bright; all of this coming from something as small as a dewdrop, resting, on the leaf, of a tree.  And once that solitary drop has caught your eye, and you are looking up, at the tree, there comes one, two, and three more, and many more.  Because you have seen one, others reveal themselves to you.  And you stand in wonder, and awe, as the light catches the dewdrops, and brings forth the brilliance, responding to the light.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       When you are willing to stop, and look, and see, whatever initially caught your eye, reveals itself to thee: sometimes drawing you deeper, into the comprehension, and unity; sometimes, reflecting, and magnifying, that which you did see, initially, bringing forth an array of colors, hews, lights.  No matter what you seek, that, which you seek, will lead you into further revelation.  And as you go farther, into the revelation, much is revealed to you, all because you took the time to stop, and look, and see.  Seek, and you shall find.





      I wish for you to know, if only for one hour, of this day, how knowing My Presence, with you, alters your perspective, in a most powerful way.  Knowing My Presence, with you, within you, hearing the Still, Small Voice, with you, within you, shatters all doubt, eliminates all hesitation, and throws open the doors to, what appears to be, a brand-new creation, Earth in The Light of My Presence, with you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Once an energy is created, it does not die.  The energy continues moving, transforming, altering.  The energy created adapts to the environment, through which it is moving, in which it is dwelling, and it goes on.  Once energy is created, it is.  Once you are created, you are.  Right now, that which is you, is altered, into the human form.  But your human form, temporary though it is, does not alter the fact, that God created the energy, the eternal being, which you are.  Now, it is wrapped in a cloak, of humanity.  But once you shake that cloak, of humanity, from you, you, and the energy that you are, continues.  Energy does not die.  It transforms.  It moves.  It adapts to the environment, in which it lives.



      “I AM with you.  I AM with you.  There are those who reject this.  There are those who will admit its possibility.  There are those who embrace it.  I AM with you.  There is no need for you to understand it, completely, for you to feel it, completely.  I AM with you.  Feel My Presence with you.  Know the Heavenly Connection with you, and live.      


       “Over two thousand years ago, I walked upon the Earth.  I wore a mantle of flesh, just as you do, right now.  But I did not give up My Eternal Presence, the Spirit, that is Me.  I did not lose that identify because I wore a robe of flesh.  The Creator of All Things led Me to know how to weave the fibers of the spirit, and the physical together.  And so, I did.  And I encourage you to begin, this day, to acknowledge, the spirit, that is you, first; and recognize, the temporary clothing you wear, as flesh.  Honor it.  Honor your body.  Do all you can, to take care of your body.  But begin to realize that you are truly spirit, first; it is together, right now.  And, right now, is the one time that you have the opportunity, to experience, being human, and being spiritual being, at the same time, on Earth.  This is your time to experience: biting into a peach, and letting the taste explode in your mouth; running; touching; loving; giving; receiving.  The sensation, of Earth, is yours, in your physical body.  And what will raise it to the divine, a sublime experience, is for you to bring your spirit body, into the experience.  Acknowledge who you are, today.  Your spirit is created of God.

      “You know that energy, once created, does not die.  It changes forms, it alters, it adapts, but energy, created, does not die.  Now, today, consider this.  The Power of God is flowing.  The Love of God is flowing.  And because God is all powerful, and God is Love, God does not alter the course of The Power, or Love, to each individual.  It just comes forth, from God.  And there it is, with you, as well.  This is flowing, into you.  This energy is yours, a gift, coming from God.  It is created.  It will not die.  But you are the co-creator, daughter, or son, of God.  And as you move into this energy, that is coming to you, from God, in the form of Power, and Love, and many other forms, you have the ability, if you choose to do it, to create a responding energy: your love of God; love back; the power of God that is, within you.  Bring forth your power, your love.  Create these energies, within you, because it is yours to do.  And then, co-mingle the energy, created by God, and the energy, created by you, and release it, into the world, created by man.  It is a new energy, that will not die; your energy, co-mingled with the energy, of The Creator.  It goes forth.  It will not die.

      “Do not waste your day, being upset, by something that happened.  Do not waste your day, being angry, about something someone said to you.  Do not waste your day, ringing your hands, about the conditions in the ways, of the world, all around you.  Use your day, to create the energies, and let them mingle, with the energies, of God.  And then, if you so choose, pull forth the energies, that are constantly created, by Mother Earth.  Bring them up, into your being.  And now, you have three: the energies of God; the energies of you; the energies of Mother Earth.  Mix them.  Mingle them.  This, is what you should be, doing.  This, is what you should be, experiencing.  This, is how your life, on Earth, can be.  Do not throw this opportunity away.  Embrace the opportunity, that God has given you.  Use, all that God has given you, and create, with God, today.  Let this new energy, that you are co-creating, flow onto the Earth.  And then, stand, and watch.  Watch this energy, from its birth, within you, flow out, onto the Earth, around you.  This exercise, this creation exercise, will alter your life, change your perspective, and bring Heaven onto the Earth, through you.”




      If I call you into the desert, there is a reason.  If I call you to the ocean, there is a reason.  If I call you to the mountaintop, there is a reason.  If I call you to the inner-city, there is a reason.  If I call you to another country, there is a reason.  If I call you to walk before those, who do not hold love, in their hearts, for you, there is a reason.  If I call you into the arms, of loving family and friends, there is as reason.  If I call you to stand, when others remain seated, there is a reason.  If I call you to speak My words, there is a reason.  If I call you to hold your tongue, there is a reason.  There is a reason why you are breathing, and walking, upon the Earth, today.  For, I have set you in that place, and time.  I have given you origin, both physical, and spiritual.  And for this, there is a reason.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       If you have been given wings, fly.  If you have been given feet, and legs, walk.  If you have been given eyes, look, but look beyond, and see.  If you have been given ears, listen; be quiet, and listen.  If you have been given a mouth, a tongue, speak, only when moved by God, and The Spirit of God, within you.  And let that which you speak be of love.  Do not poison the Earth with any negative statements.  Speak of love.  If you have been given a brain, with which to think, think; but move into a sacred place, where your thought is a prayer, every thought a prayer.  If you have been given life, live it.  Live it, in such a way, that you show all, who will observe you, that you believe, that life is eternal, and that you live, because there is a reason.




      Resist the temptation to make judgments, against others, even those judgments, which you do not declare aloud, but hold secretly, in your thoughts.  For even when they are not spoken, you have given them life.  You have created the judgment, and hold it, within.  But the judgment is yours, your creation, against another.  Resist this temptation.  For, the secret judgments, against others, held within yourself, cause you the inner pain, create debris, within your inner landscape.  And even though they are held within, unspoken, they still impact another, the one you have judged.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       If you have judged another, in silence, in quiet, holding your judgment within, rather than making a pronouncement, vocally, it is time to clear the air, within your inner being.  Forgive yourself, bless the one you are cursing, with this judgment.  Be still and make the necessary correction.  See what you are doing, as burdening yourself, and cursing another.  Even though it is unspoken, it is still created, this judgment, held within you.  Be still, and quiet, and sit, with this creation, until you have forgiven yourself, for the judgment, and blessed the one you have judged.  In this way, you will clear all things from you, of judgment.  And today, we are addressing the judgments unspoken, secret, held within.  But even held within, there they fester, and begin to impact you.  The debris is everywhere.  Sweep it up, clean it up, and bless those you have silently cursed, with judgment.





      I have not limited you, to one crayon of one color.  I have given you the ultimate box of crayons, holding every color, every hew, imaginable.  This, ultimate box of crayons, is free will, for you to use, your free will, to choose, how you color your life upon the Earth, using delicate hews, or bold stokes of bright colors.  You are not limited to one crayon.  I have given you free will, so that you will color your lifetime, upon Earth, as you will.  And when I call you Home, I will see your masterpiece, and we will celebrate, what you did, with the choices that you made.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Sometimes, when a child is coloring, drawing a picture, painting, they will grimace, having made a mistake.  But that mistake, set upon that paper, or that canvas, can be seen as a lesson.  There is the color, no doubt, but it can be broadened, or shaded, so that it continues into the picture, so that it is a part of the picture, not radiating negativity, poor choice, correction, but being used, in such a way, in all direction, that it becomes the lesson, of what can be done, no matter what has been done.  And so, the child continues to color, the page, with the crayons, or paints, or pencils, through the encouraging words, or feelings, of those around him, or her, saying, “That is okay.  Here, this is another day.  Fold those colors, in this way.”  And what you thought was a mistake becomes, a beautiful teaching place, a beautiful space, part of that masterpiece created today.





      If you could see your underpinnings, the spiritual roots, which intertwine, with all that came before you, with all those, who have transitioned, and moved on, to be more fully in the spirit realm, you would know your strength, your courage, your community.  You see your physical body.  You know it is strong.  And within your physical body, there is sinew, bone, veins, blood, organs, which are the underpinnings of your physical body.  But I wish for you to turn your attention to the roots, of your spiritual presence, for they are intertwined with all that is.  And from eternity, flows your community, your strength, your courage, your life.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       When you look at trees, you see the surface growth, of the tree; and, some are very powerful, some young, some rather dainty in their branches.  But you do not see what is happening, beneath the upper surface, in middle Earth, where the roots reach-out, and intertwine, and form a community, a solid line of support.  This is the underpinning of the community of trees: and they draw nutrients, from the soil; and their roots wrapping, intwining together: community, support, strength, courage.  It is a physical sign, of what is happening.  And you live within this happening, for you show your physical body, but your spiritual roots are still supporting you, feeding you, encouraging you, strengthening you.