God Speaks

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          There will come those who try to dissuade you from the ways of your heart.  Turn, a deaf ear, and listen, to the whisper, from within.  That which is written upon your heart is the truth.  Within is the wellspring of wisdom from which you are to drink.  The waters of Earth can sate your thirst, but it will return.  When you thirst for truth go within.  Drink of the wisdom which waits there.  Once you drink, of the wisdom of truth, you will no longer thirst.  My living waters provide all you need, truth, and the wisdom, which is held within truth.  Listen to the still small voice within and you will always know The Way.  Tarry not at the doorway of doubt, go within.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           I whisper.  When you are still and quiet you can hear My whisper.  My whisper will not mislead.  It will guide you along The Way, and you shall grow in confidence as you make your way Home.







          Give up the idea of revenge, or retaliation for something in the past.  Give it up, and do so with forgiveness.  For, if you do not forgive you have doomed yourself to relive that incident, or situation in the past, which remains with you until you have forgiven at last.  The forgiveness of it will bring you a peace you have yet to recognize or know.  The forgiveness will actually free you.  You will know you did what you were meant to do, forgive.  It is important to forgive because you release yourself of the energy of judgment, against another, and possibly even judgment of yourself.  I did not assign judgment to you.  Therefore, forgive.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           Live your life as you are guided, by The Hand of God, listening to that whisper from within you, deep within you: always guiding you to where you are to be; always whispering the words you are to say; always loving you through each and every day.  Focus on what you can do.  And you can live The Ways of God.  Do not concern yourself about what others are doing.  Let your focus be you.


          You might not understand how I can love every child, woman, and man, walking upon the Earth.  Yet, I do.  I do not have to try to love, even the most challenging of you.  You will understand this better, when you understand, who I AM.  I AM love.  I do not have to try to love.  I do not deny some My love.  I AM love.  Therefore, if I AM love, all things, all creation, exists within My love.  And that includes you.  I do not love you less, or more, than another person on the other side of the world.  I do not love you less, or more, no matter what you are doing, or no matter what the other person, on the other side of the world, is doing.  I love.  I AM love.  And so, I give you this revelation.  You too can love without hesitation, if you permit My love to flow all through you and just be My love.  If you are love, you do not have to try to love.  You do not withhold your love from anyone because you cannot.  It is impossible.  If you are love, you love.  Live this, today.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           With every breath you take, you are saying, “thank you for life.”  And you hold that breath within you until it is time for the exhalation.  And you bless all around you with that breath.  You do not have to remember to breathe.  You breathe automatically.  You breathe when you are sleeping, and do not know what you are doing.  You breathe all through the day, no matter what you are thinking, doing, or saying.  Your breath is a sign of life.  You live until you breathe no longer.  Then, your body passes, but you do not.  You continue, within the love of God.  You return to who you are.  Listen and hear this.  You are spirit, and you are love, because God loved you into being.  Your normal state is spirit, in love, with God.



          I wish for you to go beyond believing in Me.  I wish for thee to know Me.  Do not just hope I hear you, know I hear you.  Do not pray that you will know The Way, know The Way.  It is time to take your faith to a different level.  Believing is one thing.  But believing is taking something someone has told you, or you have read, as the truth, as a belief that you can hold.  But when your faith matures, then you seek Me with a fervor that brings you into the knowing.  There is no consideration, no doubt, no hesitation.  You know, fully, totally, that I AM with you.  I have known you since before creation.  You are My creation.  Now, it is time for you to hear My call, for you to come into a new, and brighter, and bolder, relationship, with Me.  It is time for you to know Me.

And The Holy Spirit says:

          Take the glory of the day, that you see, all around you, the song of the bird, the quiet breeze, the scent of the flower, take all of that, that is around you, each and every hour, and place it, within your heart.  For, this is the treasure that you can bring Home, with you.  Forget the money, forget the cars, forget the house, forget everything, except what you see that are the treasures around you.  Acknowledge every person you encounter, with a dignity that shows a maturity of one who knows they are of God.  Live the day this way.  You do not have to speak.  You do not to sing of it.  You do not have to convince anyone of it.  Just love.  Love the trees.  Love the flowers.  Love the birds.  Love the rocks.  Love the dirt.  Love the beings around you, the human beings, around you.  Love.  For, no matter what you have, you have nothing if you are not of love.

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          I call you into a divine place of peace: where the breeze moves into your skin, and your skin responds with song; where your song responds to the touch of the breeze; where all things are, as they are touched by My call, carried in the breeze, moving with you, into a divine place of peace.  Listen, and find peace.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not limit your experience, of the divine, to preconceived notions of what the divine might be.  Release all boundaries and set yourself free to be in the divine, as you are the divine, as the divine is within thee.





          Even in the darkest of hours, I AM with you.  When all things are still, appearing to be motionless, do not move, do not speak, breathe.  As you breathe deeply, you are breathing the same air that touches the trees, and the rocks, and the rivers all around you.  And with every exhalation you are exchanging, and blessing, all that is around you.  Your breath, every breath, can be a prayer.  And as you are praying, in this way, you are connecting with all around you.  And soon, that breath will modulate all things.  You will move into balance.  And as you breathe, balance will be restored, completely; and you will find that you are as still as all that is around you.  In that moment of stillness, the depths of your hearing will surprise you.  Listen.  You can hear that which you did not hear before, before you were in balance with all that is around you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           As you tend to your daily chores, and tasks, and even as you play, you are going your own way.  You are creating your own rhythm.  But sometimes, you veer slightly, out of balance and harmony with all creation, with nature, forgetting that you are nature.  To be in balance with that which is around you, you must step into it, rather than observing it.  You must be it, because you are it.  And once you realize this, and step into nature, not as the watcher, not as the seer, but as the “be-er:” you will be, just as the tree; you will be, just as the wind; you will be, just as the aromatic scent of the flowers, and the herbs.  You will be.  But first, be still.