God Speaks

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      All creation is calling out to you to look, and see, and know.  Pay attention to what is happening around you.  Watch it.  Watch the dew drops, on the grass, glow, in color, when the light of the sun touches them.  Watch the butterflies, and the bees, as they visit the flowers, and the budding trees.  Pay attention.  For, it is in this way that you will come to know Me.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           You know someone by the things they do and say.  You cannot see the kindness, within someone, until it is exhibited, in that which they do.  They make a cake, they bring some cookies, or flowers, to you, and those cookies, those flowers, are a reflection, an outward sign, of the kindness, and the love, they have, within them.  Look at nature as a reflection of God, what is in God The Creator.  All creation is singing out, “Look at me, and see.”  When you acknowledge, that the creation comes from The Creator God, you look, and you see, and you know.



          There is no time for greed or envy in your life, unless you make it, unless you invite greed and envy, into your inner chamber, and feed them there.  Greed and envy often turn into anger or hatred.  Rid yourself of these energies as soon as you feel them, within you.  And you will know what it feels like.  There is no need to ask.  You know: when you are envious; when you are jealous; of someone, or something that someone has; when you feel greedy, and you want to take more.  And when more is not enough, reaching out to take and take, and draw it unto yourself, holding onto it, always wanting more.  The definition describes the feeling.  And, as soon as it is upon you, before you slip, comfortably, into the clothing, cast it from you.  Refuse.  Use the time otherwise.  Do not harbor greed and envy.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           Look around you and let your eyes fall upon a beautiful tree.  Sometimes the magnificence, or the sheer size of a tree, is overwhelming, and you stare in awe.  That tree is not standing there just for thee.  It is for any who will come and see, and exchange, with the tree, the awe, the beauty.  The tree is not for just one.  It is for all.  And that one tree is, within all.  The tree is one, with all that is.  Focus on the beauty around you.  Forget such energies as greed, or envy.  And when they tempt you, these shadowy energies, look away, and find the tree.



The gentle heart beats, and it is as a sweet symphony, moving out, from the one, whose heart is so tender.  That heart is peaceful, welcoming all, with open arms, to move into it.  For, the heart is feeling, emotion.  Yet, in these tender feelings and emotions springs forth the strength and the courage of the creative energy of love.  Love.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           The more you set yourself aside, to be still and quiet, the slower your heartbeat becomes.  It is not racing.  It is at peace, within your peace, which you create, when you are still, and quiet, sitting with God.



          At the time that you cannot remember a friend’s telephone number, you pause.  Usually you bow your head, trying to remember, trying to recall the number.  And, as you go deeper into the remembering, it comes to you, because it is there, in your memory.  It is stored in your memory.  And you go quiet, to the world around you, and revisit that place, and there it is.  It comes to you.  The number is there, within you, in your brain.  Your spiritual memory is with you, as well.  Your spiritual memory does not hold addresses, or telephone numbers.  It holds truth, who you are, where you have been, what you have done, what you have seen, what you have created, from whence you came.  Just as you can access your brain, and remember something you thought you had forgotten, you can also remember who you are, the eternal being you are, if you are willing to bow your head, close out the world, and the noise, and the chatter, and remember.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           And so, I AM in charge of directing you, assisting you to remember, giving you the information you seek.  I AM your Guide.  I AM your Counselor.  I will lead you, if you allow it.  Do not deny yourself eternal truth, when it is within you.  Sit with Me.  Remember.




      “I AM with you.  I AM not running after you.  I AM not sitting at some other place, waiting for you.  I AM with you.  Experience this, because then, if you open to it, and experience My presence, with you, you will be experiencing the one, I so often spoke of: one, we are all one, it is all one, oneness, you are one with The Father, I AM in you, you are in Me.  I said it repeatedly.  We are one.                                  


      “Remembering who you are is one of the most joyful experiences you will have, as you live a life upon the Earth, now.  For this recalling is sacred and divine.  You are recalling it, claiming it, remembering it. 

      “When you want to remember something, often you do not trust it to your brain, your memory.  You have a book, or a place, where you record telephone numbers, addresses, birthdays, sometimes.  And this book is important to you.  It holds most everything valuable enough to you to record.  You do not want to lose them, because they have special meaning.  Spiritual memory is the same.

      “Everything important to you is already recorded within you.  It is so important for you to remember that it was written by The Hand of God.  It is so important for you to remember that through miraculous motions, and movements, the determination came that The Spirit of God should be within each of you, to whisper, to remind you, to show you The Way, when you have forgotten. 

      “So, just as you hurry to a book, in a desk drawer possibly, to find a telephone number, which you have forgotten, which you cannot recall, it is now time for you to go inward, with just the same enthusiasm.  When you cannot recall who you are, when you cannot recall your mission, when you cannot recall your gifts, go within.  There is The Director, The Holy Spirit, within you.  Go within quickly, without hesitation, and ask for guidance, and you will receive it.  This is what, ‘knock and the door shall be opened,’ is all about.  There is not a material, a physical door, for you to knock on.  It is within you.  Seek, and you shall find.  It is not hidden behind a tree, or under a chair.  It is within you.  Seek it!  Everything you are, everything you were, everything you are to be is within you.  Knock.”



     My constant wish for you is that you see where you are, upon the Earth, My creation, a garden, growing, evolving, strengthening, showing, every minute of the day, how to live, as one.  Today, look around you.  Find the example.  See how it all works, together.  And then, slip yourself into it, within your mind, because you are already there.  You are not separate.  You are a divine piece of My creation.  So, do not walk above it, or around it, and stand observing it, for it is walking with you.  It is watching you.  It is teaching you how to grow, and to be in a more contemplative lifestyle, one that is of peace, allowing you to simply live.  Today, simply live.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           Most of the time, most of you are mostly making it very difficult to live your life, upon the Earth.  Just be.  Breathe, consciously breathe, realizing that you are breathing the air that is touching everything around you.  It is touching every part of your body, or your clothing.  It is going into your lungs.  It is the same air!  Think of this.  All the animals around you are breathing the same air.  There is an exchange of air with grass, and water, and leaves, and trees.  Be one with these.  Do not overload yourself with the material things, of the world created by man.  Free yourself, within the creation of God.



          What do you plan to do today?  Perhaps your plans even include tomorrow, and the day after.  What have you written on your list, those things you are to do?  Your list might be a mental list, but it could be a written list.  If it is written, check and see what you have planned to do with Me.  Where, on your list, is the word prayer?  Where on your list is quiet and stillness?  If it is not there, insert it somewhere.  Take the time to be still and quiet.  Do not permit your day to be a jumble of work, and work, and more work, without taking the time to pray, a contemplative time, a time for stillness, because it is in stillness, you will hear Me.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           The distractions, of the world, are many.  Many of the things, which distract you, are created by you.  You turn on the music, and then turn it higher.  You call someone on the phone, and talk, and talk.  You find things to do, things, which will occupy you.  But today, look around at what you are doing, and make the time to be still and quiet so you will feel Me stirring, within you, so the whisper will rise-up, as a breeze, coming from within you, so you might stop, and listen, and know.