God Speaks

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      “I AM with you.  Joyfully, and lovingly, I AM with you.  Do not forget this truth.  And this truth is not just for you.  It is truth for all people.  To know this is to be the holder of wisdom.  For, knowing this will alter your perspective of others, for the better.    


      “When I walked upon the Earth, I spoke of love.  My teaching was to love one another, as I have loved you.  This teaching continues today.  I did not then, nor do I now, love some, while excluding others, from My love.  This is what I have asked of you.  Love others, as you are loved by Me.

      “I do not say love one another as your parents love you.  I do not say love one another as your best friend loves you.  This type of love can be out of balance, unequal, deceptive, even.  My love for you is pure, and equal, in all ways.  It is the love of God, flowing through Me, which is poured out upon all.  It is as if it is a fountain, a never ending flow, and the flow is not wider, for some, or more narrow, for others. 

      “Imagine you have a glass filled with water.  What is in the glass?  Water!  The glass is filled with water, and it is for all.  God is love; therefore, I AM love.  God does not have to try to love, because God is love.  And because God is love, I too am love.  We do not have to try to love, because that is what we are.  We are love.  Just as you do not have to try to be you, God does not have to try to love.  God is love.  And when you allow yourself to be the authentic you, the you, at the core of your being, you will find that you, too, are love.  God created you in love, and from God’s love you sprang forth.  It is possible to cover this natural state with that which you create, using the energies of fear, doubt, anger, etc.  Still, no matter how much your pile onto the love, at the core of your being, it does not go away.  It is always there, within you, and it is there, to stay.  The truth is, you too, are love.”



      The directions, for the right way, for you, will come, from within.  Do not bend your way, out of shape, to follow, the way, of others.  Be still and quiet.  Listen.  Your personal direction will come, from within, and it will be The Way, for you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Within each of you are directions, instructions, to show you The Way.  That is why I have been sent, to dwell, within each of you, so you will always know The Way.  But to walk The Way is your choice.  You will never be forced to follow The Way.  Following The Way is a choice you make, using your free will, to flow, within The Divine Will of God.  All nature flows, within The Divine Will of God, it is so in its inception.  But you must choose.  You have been given the gift of free will, so you might choose.  And once the choice is made, to flow, within the Divine Will of God, your life, your eternal life, changes.  You ride upon The Wind.  You float, within The Sea of God’s Love.



      I wish for you to know the ways of quiet, and stillness.  And when I say the ways of quiet and stillness, I AM addressing, that which you carry within you, the quiet, and stillness of peace.  The outside world will give you much stimulation, and distract you, and draw you into worry, and concern, and anxiety.  Your inner world, the spirit that is you, within your body, calls you to a quiet stillness, that brings you to peace because, there, within, is where you sit with Me.  And, sitting with Me, will bring you wisdom.  And all the worries, of the world, swirling around you, will be diminished, will go away, when you sit, we talk, and we pray.  That is the eternal world, that you carry, within you.  It is the world that is the authentic you.  Heaven is near to you.  Heaven is with you.  Heaven is within you.  My Spirit is within you.  All the answers you seek are within, and therein, is where you find peace.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       It is possible to walk, through the world created by man, with all its distractions, and noise, and know, that you can be at peace, and feel a tranquil calm, within you.  But this takes practice to do.  Set aside some time to develop, the inner you, in stillness, and quiet.  Do not fill your inner self with worry, concern, anxiety.  When you go within, you will feel, My presence, with you, and it will calm you, and there will be comfort, when We are together.  That is why I AM, with you, to be your Comfort, your Counselor, your Advocate.  This is how you can establish peace, within.  Come, sit with Me, and let us begin, to know, the ways of quiet, stillness within.




      When you are searching for Me, when you are seeking to understand life as you are living it, upon the Earth, to comprehend, a bit, about what lies beyond, as you are doing all these things, it is not necessary for you to read one thing.  What is necessary is for you to be still, and quiet, and go within yourself.  For, I have sent My Holy Spirit to dwell, within you.  When you know this is true, you know that all you need is inside of you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       I AM inviting you to be still, today, and come.  Come within yourself.  It is easier to go within yourself, when you are still, and quiet.  And, as you begin to move within, traverse that inner landscape, you begin to feel as if you know something you did not know, before.  And at the time, you might not be able to put your finger on that which is, has come to you, but it is within you.  And the longer you sit, you begin to see, and know, and live.



      Walk lightly, as you make your way, along your path, today.  Let love mark your trail, as if you are leaving bits and pieces of love to be followed.  It might take practice to walk in love, all through the day, but be assured, there is no better way.  As others follow the path, they will be gathering love, the energy of love created by you, as you journey today.  So, do not allow yourself to be disgruntled, or distracted, in any way.  Let love flow freely from you, to show The Way.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Be watchful, and vigilant.  When you are paying attention to what you think, do, and say, you are safeguarding the energy you are creating.  You are creating with every thought.  And your energy creations are marking your path.  So, let your creations be of love today.  Check, your thoughts, and let them be of love.




      Realize the brevity of your lifetime, upon Earth, not with fear, or worry, but with a sense of urgency, that you have a set time, to accomplish your goal, your mission.  So, do not be distracted, by all that is swirling around you.  Realize, that you have your moment, and it is right now.  The time you are upon Earth, you are to make history, in eternity, by what you are doing, right now.  It is a specific time.  It is a limited time.  It is a sacred time.  It is a time of accomplishment and celebration.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       When you go to see a play, the play begins, and the play ends.  There is a middle.  But, the play, which you are watching, has an ending.  And, when the ending comes, the audience stands-up and applauds, and sometimes, cheers, because they have known laughter, they have known tears, from the play that has been set before them, so they can see, and know, and learn.  See your lifetime, upon Earth, in this way.  You are writing the script, for your lifetime play, upon the Earth.  Think on this because, there is an audience.  There are people around you, watching.  There are people interested in you, and all of the things that you go through, whether they are sad, or happy.  Sometimes, you do not feel so good.  Sometimes, you feel wonderful.  But it is all part, of the play of your lifetime, upon Earth.  And it is important, and it has value.  You are important, and you have value.  Write the script, for the play, of your lifetime, upon Earth, as if you understand the importance, and the value, of who you are, and what you are doing.




      When the weather is cold, and rainy, or snowy, you find great comfort in your favorite sweater, a cozy blanket, well-worn slippers, a fire in the fireplace, and a hot cup of tea.  The glow from the fire caresses the room with a golden light.  There, in the shelter of your home, you are warm, and at peace.  It is a gentle, sweet place to be.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       When the ways of the world buffet you, leaving you weakened and weary, come within, and be still.  Listen, and My whisper will feel as if you are being wrapped, in a warm blanket, and held in a loving embrace.  This feeling of security awaits each one who will close the door to the world created by man, and take the hand of God, traversing the corridors within, to be taught The Ways of God.  It is a gentle, sweet place to be, and therein you will find peace.