God Speaks

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      In the stillness, of the night, My message will come.  And when you receive, with clarity, you will know.  However you receive, the message is for you, to know.  For, My son, My daughter, I know you.  Therefore, the message will come, to you, in a way designed, specifically, for you, so you might know.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       In the quiet, of the day, when you have slipped away, from all the noise, as you sit, or stand, or walk, or kneel, in peace, I will stir, within you.  And there, The Whisper, will be, communication, from Me to thee.  And no matter what form of acceptance takes place, within you, you will hear, the groanings, of Spirit, and you will be moved to know, because the message will be yours, and Mine.  It will be quiet, and divine, and be The Source, of that next step, which you are to take.  For, in the stillness, of the night, you are taught.  In the quiet, of the day, you are led.




      What your intellect cannot fathom, your heart knows.  Do not approach the pathways of spirituality, of coming to know Me, in a deeper way, thinking that you must know Me, intellectually, because you will be stumped, meet walls, slip and fall, trying to intellectualize our relationship.  Come with your heart, because the knowing is, within you, deep within you, held in the soul, and the spirit.  But, the heart, knows these things.  So, do not try to know, with your mind, with your intellect.  Know with your heart.  Believe with your heart.  Listen to your heart, and you will know Me.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       Getting to know God, closer, must come from the heart, because the mysteries cannot be resolved with the intellect, that is of the world, created by man.  You can read all the books.  You can ponder the mysteries.  You can ask for guidance.  You can pray for guidance.  And the words will be whispered to you.  But if you try to do the coming, the drawing nearer to God, with your intellect, you will find a maze of corridors, going here, and there, as you try to rationalize, what is already internalized, within you.  You must come to God through spirit, and love.  And these things are, within you.  Your heart knows, and it beats the truth, that is, within you.



      Listen to the sound, of The Wind, and be moved by it.  Do not plant your feet, or your spirit, heart, or soul, refusing, to go, with The Wind.  As you move, you will hear; and it will move through you, that which you hear, and settle, within you, that which you hear, and wisdom will be yours.  For, The Wind moves.  You are not always sure where The Wind comes from.  But, if you will ride, with The Wind, you will know, where it is going; and, it is carrying you with it; you and The Wind, and the wisdom, and the knowing.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       I was sent, to be your Advocate, to be comfort, to give counsel, to teach you The Ways of God, so you might know, from within.  For, when you know, from within, every challenge, which might be, or might have been, crumbles, in The Light of The Knowing.  Trust, as I was sent to you from God.  Trust, that, that, which I tell you, will lead you, to where you need to go.  And My Whisper, will tell you, all you need to know, as we rise-up together, I, The Wind, you, My charge, My student.  And you will hear Me, and you will know.  And I will take you, and you will go, as you ride, The Wind.




      Many of you have much to do, on this particular day.  But I encourage you, even with all you must do, to: slow your pace, slow your breathing, slow your speech pattern, be still, be quiet.  Maintain the direction.  Keep in focus the ultimate destination, the accomplishment of a project, or a goal; but move toward it, slowly, in measured steps, so that there is no hurry involved.  Come the end of the day, you will be surprised to find that, even though you intentionally slowed your pace, you still accomplished that, which needed to be accomplished, and you do not feel harried, or haggard, or exhausted, in any way.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       When there is much to do, slow down.  Take one thing at a time, and push every other task, awaiting you, out of your mind, and meet the destination; but do so, in a measured pace, so that your face is not drawn, and tight, from anxiety, from frustration, even.  Move, slowly; speak, quietly; breathe, deeply; and enjoy your day.  Do not run, walk.  Do not shout, speak.



      I wish for you to surrender, all of your defenses, all of your excuses, all of the if’s and the but’s, which keep you from moving forward, in your spiritual journey.  Today, in quiet, move deeper into the energy of love.  You have heard it said that there is no energy, none of it, that is more powerful than the energy of love.  It is the energy of creation.  You have been finding reasons, not to love more, not to love completely, because of things you have been taught, because of fear, because there is a sense of security in separation.  If you can find a reason, not to love someone, some people, then you are not settled, completely, within My love.  The only way you can love, completely, without condition, is when you are, within My love.  Do not fear My love.  When you take the first step, to drop the defense, eliminate the excuses, and all the reasons why someone, or some people are not worthy, of your love, then you will be completely, within my love.  And it might surprise you to know that you will not need to try to love, any longer, because when you are in My love, you are love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       It takes practice to be, in the love of God, completely, because the world, created by man, will give you many reasons why you should not, or could not, love a person, or a particular group of people.  And the reasons will be compelling, at times, and you will feel rather righteous about denying your love, to a group of people.  But this is all trickery.  The answer is always love.  And because of what you have been taught, as you journey upon the Earth, your thoughts of love can be tainted.  Where you will find true love is, within the energy of love, which is God.  Go there.  Sit with God.  Place yourself in The Sea of God’s Love.  It is The Source of all life.  It is The Source of eternal life.  Go into The Sea of Love, and live life, as you are meant to live it, with no limitations on your loving, no boundaries on your loving, just swimming, in The Sea of God’s Love.




      I wish for you to know The Way of Little Things: little kindnesses; deeds, that seem small, but actually are the deeds, that bring you, to standing tall; because, before you walk, you crawl.  You learn to stand, and in the standing, you gain your balance.  And by gaining your balance, you are ready to move forward, into the world, having begun, in a small way.  Before the great buildings can rise, they must be set, on a foundation, that is right, correct, balanced.  So, the weight, of the tall, rests on the small.  Do not seek first, to do grand things.  And I AM speaking, spiritually.  For, what good is it doing you, or anyone else, if you are feeding hundreds, but loathing, those you are feeding, in some way, or another, rejecting, them, in some way or another.  First, must come love.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       Be content in doing the little things.  Or, better said, those things you consider little.  A smile, a touch, a kindness is worth a mountain of gold to those, who are rejected, to those who are refused entrance.  And, once you learn to do this, what you consider small, you will grow.  You will become tall, and you will walk The Ways of God.



      “I AM with you.  Do not hesitate.  Believe, as your heart is directing.  I AM with you.  I can walk, with you, today.  I can talk, with you, today.  We can make our way, together, through the day, if you will allow it.  So, I turn it around, and say, will you walk, with Me, today?  Will you talk, with Me, today?                                  


      “Thousands of years ago, when I walked upon the Earth, I noticed a lot.  I watched, observed, and was guided, from within.  As The Father was leading Me, so it was done.  And you can do the same.  Before setting your agenda, for the day, ask, as you quietly pray, “God what is it You wish for me to know today?  Where do You wish for me to go?”  These questions are vital, to the movement, of the day, because you can touch so many, in a Godly way, if you will just permit The Hand of God to move you, through the day.  This is what I did.

      “If you followed Me around, during a normal course of the day, you would see, as you walked with Me, all the little things, that were done, in The Name of God, or for The Glory of God.  It was not for My glory.  And you can do the same thing.  I repeated, so many times, that what was being done was for The Glory of God.  You can do this, too.  But it might surprise, a number of you, that you can sweep a floor; but, that sweeping, of the floor, is greatly enhanced, when you sweep the floor, for The Glory of God.  Everything you do can be a prayer, an offering, a song of praise.  Everything can be done, in that way.

      “The things I did, most days, would be considered little: talking with someone; putting My hand on their shoulder, in support; speaking of love, and generosity, and kindness.  And in that way, encouraging others to pick up that practice, and put it into their everyday lives.  If love is not your foundation, then your foundation is weak.  And when calamity strikes, when disaster hits, all that has risen-up, falls, if it is not based on love.  Begin to see those things, you do, as vital, to your spiritual growth, and love, from your heart.  When you can embrace, one of those, you once could have rejected, you know you are on the right path.  When you give, so freely, that you have no thought of what it might cost you, only that you can do, for another, what needs to be done, for another, then, with the giving of it, your hands, are The Hands of God.  And, after you have mastered these little things, God might whisper.  The Whisper might rise-up, from within you, and lead you to do something else.  And it might draw attention, but be sure, it is your intention to say, ‘This is for The Glory of God.  This is God working.  See it as such.’  Little things create the pathway to living The Ways of God. 

      “There are many things, in a material world, which hinder you from accomplishing a goal.  And we have talked about this, before: you do not have a degree for this; you do not have the money for this; you do not have the support, you need, to do this.  And the list, could go on, because, you are limited, in the material world.  But God’s Kingdom has no limitation.  Anyone, no matter their circumstance, can be kind, and loving, and generous, with what they have.  And the list goes on, and on.  There is no limitation, except for that gift, that was given to you, of free will.  You can choose not to do it.  That is the only limitation.  In other words, you are the only limitation, for doing all, that makes your life holy, and sacred, and brings you to a profound communion, with God, The Creator of All Things.  This was My Way.  It can be your Way.  It is walking The Way of Little Things.”