God Speaks

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      “I AM with you.  I AM truly with you.  Embrace, the knowing, that I AM with you.  Embrace, the moments when you feel it.  Encourage, the moments, when you doubt it, with your faith, by saying, ‘I know you are with me.’  For, I AM.  I come to you to say, let us walk into this day, together.  You know I AM there. Live, that I AM there.                         


       “There are so many facts, that you absorb.  Every day information comes your way, and then, you have the challenge to sort the facts, the information, misinformation.  Facts change, from day to day, being truth, or not the truth.  You categorize, and catalogue, these things that you are given, or absorb, just by living in the world.  But your earthly experience goes beyond facts, and information, bits, and pieces, here and there, of the importance of the current news of the day.  It is tempting to pride yourself on your intellectual ability. 

       “There is a thought, that you can come to know God, intellectually, by reading, by studying, by gathering all this information, about The Creator of All Things.  And so, you sit, and study.  You go to church, or temple, or synagogue, or meeting, and you profess your faith, trusting in what you have been taught, and read.  But if you approach the knowing of God, solely on an intellectual basis, there is a possibility, that from some institution, you admire, or individual, you admire, and place in high esteem, that something that comes from them could put a crack of doubt in your foundation, cause your faith to wobble, a bit, or lean, even in the slightest, because you are putting your faith in what is written, what is said.  If you want to know God, on a personal level, you must go to God, on a personal level.  You must feel The Presence of God, with you.  You must hear The Whisper, from within you.  You must follow your longing, and sit, in such stillness, that you know God’s Presence, with you.  You feel it.  You know the energy.  You recognize the vibration, and the tone, of the communication.  And, at that point, it is no longer abstract, it is your personal experience, with God.  And, in that personal experience, of God, with you, there is very little opportunity that what another says will place that crack of doubt, in this communion, because you have lived it.  You know it, at the core of your being.  This is where you find your knowing, of God, at the core of your being, where you have always known, from the time of your creation, always known Love, in The Light of God.”




      The sun, and the moon, rise, and set.  The sun, and the moon, do this, even when there are clouds overhead.  Even when you cannot see the sun, and the moon, because of the clouds, you know the sun, and the moon, are there.  You cannot see them.  Clarity is disturbed, by the clouds overhead.  You see the stars, twinkling, in a clear sky.  Yet, your vision can be denied, because of clouds, in the sky.  But you know the stars are there, and the planets are there.  You cannot see all there is to see, of the stars, and the planets, and the sun, and the moon, because they are so far away.  But they bring you comfort, and solace, knowing they are there, even when you cannot see them, even when your vision is not clear.  I AM with you, constantly with you, eternally with you.  Even when there are clouds, and you cannot see Me, know I AM with you, as confidently as you know the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the planets, are just on the other side of the clouds.

And The Holy Spirit says:

      You can gather together, pieces, and parts, of the description of The Creator God, by looking at that which comes from Mother Earth.  What Being could conceive of such things as trees, and mountains, and rivers?  What Being could conceive of ants, and birds, and flowers?  God, ultimate wisdom, and love!  If you know the things of nature, you begin to have an understanding, and inkling, of the beauty, and the power, that is God.  God created Earth, and all that springs forth from her, and God created the stars, and the planets, and the sky, the moon, and the sun.  You are of Earth, and of stardust, and of God’s creation.  You fit into the place where you are, right now, a magnificent creation of God, of Earth, of the stars, of the love of God.





      There are places, upon the Earth, where you can stand, and speak-out, over a valley, far below, and the sound of your voice echoes, from one side of the mountain, to the other, and back, again.  Everything is set in place, arranged perfectly, naturally, so that your voice can be carried, and repeated, and repeated, echoing over the valley below.  And there are places, upon the Earth, where you can go, and because everything is exactly in place, providing the proper acoustics, you can whisper a sentence, and another person, many feet away, can hear, clearly, that which you say.  Ponder this.  See it as an example, of how your voice carries, through the corridors of all times, into eternity, echoing the words you say.  See it as a quiet prayer, whispered in the dark of night, and it is heard, from far away.  Use the examples in nature, upon Earth to begin to open-up, and unveil, the mysteries of eternity, of dimensional communication, of what is all around you, if you will just look, and see, so you might know.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       Right now, upon Earth, in the present time, which you occupy, you can use a telephone to call someone, halfway around the world.  You can hear their voice, have conversation, exchange.  But you can also speak to God, residing in The Heavenly Dimension, which is with you, and you can have communication, exchange.  The wonders, of your modern day, are useful.  The mysteries, of eternity, are vital.  Be at peace this day.  Open the doorway, to the inside corridors, of your being, and begin to communicate, with understanding that, that which you speak, in quiet, in a whisper, is heard.  And your voice, is resounding, through the hallways, of eternity.  If it can be done, standing on a mountain, upon the Earth, it can be done, by you, knowing that when you whisper, it will be heard, and when you speak, it will be resounding, through eternity.





      When you sit, in quiet stillness, and close your eyes, to the world, in prayer, I AM there, you are there, we are together, as one.  And in this state of silence, with your eyes closed, to the world, you are looking into My eyes, and I AM looking into your eyes, and with this connection the eyes reveal, what is to be revealed.  And as you look into My eyes there, each one of you, will find your reflection, within My eyes, because that is what I see, and know, and love.  And because you are looking within My eyes, I too find My reflection, within yours.  It is the connection of The Way.  Look.  It is possible for Me to hold each one of you.  It is possible for each one of you to find your reflection, in My eyes, as we sit, together.  Let it be that you begin your day, closing out the world, created by man, closing your eyes, so you can look into Mine, so that I look into yours, and we see, we are one.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       When Jesus walked upon the Earth, He said, many times, it is one, we are one.  He spoke of oneness, and completeness, and the mingling, together.  When one is happy, all can feel the happiness.  When one holds sorrow, all can know the sorrow of one.  Today, make the time to sit, quietly, in stillness, silence.  Close your eyes.  Look, and see.




      There are those, who are called, to come to the mountaintop, and they hear the call, and rise-up, and go.  They go unprepared.  They go not knowing the way they are to go.  Yet, they go, and begin, the ascent.  And the way can be difficult, and challenging, and often, they slip, and fall, and rise, to begin the climb, again.  They are called to go first, to make ready the way, so the path will be marked, and easier to climb, as others are called, in their time.  If you are called, to make ready the way, rise-up, and be assured, that even though the challenge will be difficult, and there will be distractions, to sway you away, from the climb, up the mountain, you are already prepared to make it.  You are prepared, from within.  You are to leave your mark, as you climb, climbing higher, until your ascent brings you to the peak, where you look back, and see where you have been, from the perspective of where you are, when you reach the top of the mountain.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       When word comes back, that others have reached the mountain peak, and then, you too, are called, to rise-up, and climb, make sure you trust the path marked for you.  Make sure you know the way is made clear for you, by one who holds your faith.  Then, as you go, the silent prayer will be for those who went before you.  And there, in the quiet, of the climbing, to the peak, you will hold a prayer for those who went before you, and for those who will follow.  Those who will follow will find it easier to climb, because you have marked the way, by your progress.  You have left behind the energy of the body, the physical body, clearing, making it obvious which way to go.  And you have left behind the energy of prayer, which will envelope, and hold, each pilgrim, climbing there.  Continue, day, and night.  Climb.  Answer the call.  When you reach the peak, you will know, that it was worth every effort, to see, what you could not see, before.




      Care for your spiritual body with the equal enthusiasm, that enthusiasm you employ, when you are caring for your physical body, molding it, shaping it, feeding it, tending to it, so that it will serve you well.  Tend to your spiritual body, in the same way.  Strengthen the spiritual muscles, by practice.  Practice love, kindness, understanding, forgiveness.  And do it even when it is uncomfortable: forgiveness, love, kindness, compassion.  These things will serve you well, as you practice, and your spiritual muscles get stronger, and stronger.  And soon, it is quite easy to forgive, without question, and to forgive even those who do not believe they require any forgiveness.  Strengthen your spiritual body, for it will serve you well.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

      Doing all the things required to create a body, a physical body, that is strong, healthy, enduring, this is important.  For, your body will serve you well, as you are upon the Earth, if you take care of your body.  But your spiritual body, the spirit that is you, will live forever.  Do not let it grow weak.  Practice so that you might be strong, spiritually, and physically, so that your physical body does serve you well, until you are called Home.  But your physical body, and your spiritual body, can work hand in hand, as that is how it is meant to be.  So, do not ignore that important body that is thee, the spiritual body.  Let the physical body serve you, the spirit that is you, and your life, upon the Earth will be one of joy, peace, happiness, and contentment.





      You do not see it, yet you know it.  You know it, from within.  From within your being, there at the core, spirit, soul, you know it all.  You know what is around each bend.  There is no need for you to see it, because, you know it.  As The Source of The Knowing, springs forth from Me.  My Holy Spirit is within thee.  And as you seek to know the truth, as you walk the path of an enlightened being, the place you will find, all that you can see, is within thee.  There within, is the recognition.  And the recognition sings-out, and you know, because it is within you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

       The journey within is a beautiful mystery.  When you sit long enough, in silence, a peace wraps around you, as a gentle shawl, reminding you, that this journey within has nothing to do with the world around you.  You are taking it so you can go, and see, and know.  The Wisdom of God is within you.  Be still, and go, and see, and know.