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      As the day begins, turn your thoughts within.  Resist the temptation to rush into the material world before you sit in quiet, with Me.  We will speak and answers to that which has yet to occur shall be yours.  Your day will not open as a mystery but an opportunity for endless […]

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               It is never easy to experience, for an extended period of time, illness, or injury.  But know this.  It is not Me, casting you in such a role as punishment for anything.  When your spirit chooses a body of flesh, and to dwell upon Earth, for a while, you are subject to […]

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        Be still.  Physically, and mentally, be still.  Push back the veil.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Let your breath be deep, and slow.  Push back the veil.  Go within, traversing the corridors of your inner being, to find the chamber.  Once there, push back the veil.  You see, I AM always with you, within […]

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          “I AM with you.  Celebrate this day, for I AM with you, and I AM celebrating, with you, so you might sing, and dance, and know, that God loves you, unconditionally, loves you.  And as God, unconditionally, loves you, God loves all those around you: those miles away; those thousands of miles […]

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          Put your trust, and your faith, in Me, and then, your confidence, will not slip, or come, or go.  It will rise-up because you know.  You know Me.  You are taught by Me.  I show you The Way, and I care for you, every day.  So, when you come, and ask a […]

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