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        When you find yourself, wandering through a desert, which is dry and desolate, do not despair.  For in the midst of the dry and desolate places of despair you will find an oasis, waiting there, waiting to refresh you, and restore life to your weary body.  There will be water, from the depths […]

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          As you walk into the desert, where I shall mold you, and form you, into the purest love, which is My Love for you, let your heart sing, with great joy, as your Creator loves you, so.  My love gives you life.  We have always been one, but the oneness is magnified, […]

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          Close your eyes, and walk, into the desert.  Come into the desert, with Me.  See the desert, before thee, and come, follow Me.  For, in a place, such as the desert, there is very little distraction.  You are not tempted, to go this way, or that way.  For, you look around you, […]

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