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            Let My hand guide you there, from wherever you are standing now.  Much preparation goes into the planning and attending of a great event.  Each day you live is a great event.  Do not permit yourself to see it any other way.  From the rising of the sun until the day is done, […]

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            You are a walking tabernacle from The Kingdom of God.  Begin to see the value of that, within you.  Focus not so much on that which you see, but the unseen, within, for that is where you will find The Gifts of The Holy Spirit, which will bear fruit unto the world created […]

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            What you are seeking cannot be found in the world where material objects eventually rust, decay, crumble, or fade away.  For, that which your spirit is seeking, that which your soul knows well in its everlasting existence, will not rust, decay, crumble, or fade way.  You are seeking the eternal.  And the eternal […]

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              So much has been given unto you, set before you in glorious array, so you might see and know.  As humanity becomes more self-centered, there is a striving for facts and data and worldly wealth, wherein worldly knowledge is often mistaken for wisdom, and worldly wealth mistaken for riches.  But this is […]

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              When you make the time to sit with Me, when you make the time to speak with Me, to listen, to hear, Me, you are creating an environment, within you, wherein you no longer permit fear to consume you.  It does not stop you.  It does not freeze you in place because […]

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          “I AM with you.  Though it seems impossible to see Me, with you, it is not.  Look into your soul, and recall.  Remember.  For, it is in the secret remembering, when you wash away, all that seems impossible, and see with the eyes of possibility, and faith, and therein you will see, […]

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        I AM calling you, from within, to be still, and quiet, and come to know Me, as I AM, within you.  You do not have to do anything special to join Me, within the sacred chapel, that is you.  You do not have to dress in any special way.  All you need do […]

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