Home / Daily Message / February 21, 2024

February 21, 2024


          As My love flows to you, from within you, throughout you, let it flow from you.  The world around you will try to say that you cannot love all, there is no way.  But I tell you I can love all, therefore you too can love all.  The only requirement to accomplish such a state is that you focus on love and that is all.  The world around you will try to say that you cannot love unconditionally, requiring nothing in return.  But I tell you I can love unconditionally, requiring nothing in return, therefore you too can love unconditionally, requiring nothing in return.  The world around you will try to say that you cannot live untouched by hatred, anger or revenge.  But I tell you I can live untouched by hatred, anger or revenge therefore, you too can live untouched by hatred, anger or revenge.  The only requirement to accomplish such a state is that you focus on love and that is all.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When the source of your eternal life is the energy of love you can do all things within the gift of love.  Refuse to embrace the offerings of anger, resentment, retaliation, or pride, as these energies will cloud the environment of love, diminishing its ability to shine through all that you do.  It will take practice to love all things, as God loves all things, but it is possible to do if that is what you will to be true.


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