God Speaks

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          Trust in Me, for I AM ever speaking to thee.  Do not allow the noise of the world around you to fill you and distract you from the total experience of The One.  For My child, it is true.  It is all one, connected in such a magnificent way as to allow individual experiences, while all the time remaining within the sacredness of The One of all that is.  Creation continues all around you, and within you.  Every one of your individual experiences impacts the whole of the continuing creation.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Slowly add water to a glass, and as the water level approaches the rim of the glass, continue adding water, one drop at a time.  Eventually, there will be the one drop which will be the one to overflow the glass.  Water will spill over the rim, cascading down the sides of the glass, breaking free of the container.  That one final drop brought about change.  But it would not have happened but for all the drops of water gathered in the glass preceding what might be considered the final drop.  Yet it does not stop with the final drop.




          Every time you take up the yoke of anger, and strap to it the energy of revenge, you plough yourself into a field of despair.  The harvest is bitter and sullies those who eat of it.  Carrying the weight of anger and revenge never yields the result you seek.  Retaliation settles into your being, as if the battle took its toll from within you.  And it did.  There are lessons in this matter, and they are not of force and rule.  They are of forgiveness and compassion.  Be still, be quiet, and hear Me, as I have much to say, and it is your time to hear Me, so you might grow in wisdom, during your journey upon Earth.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Pause before you react to negative energy.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Let every breath you take be as the ocean wave, lapping the shore, and retrieving that which was once deposited there.



Thank you for your patience during this time of changes within anchor/spotify.




As the day begins, turn your thoughts within.  Resist the temptation to rush into the material world before you sit in quiet, with Me.  We will speak and answers to that which has yet to occur shall be yours.  Your day will not open as a mystery but an opportunity for endless experiences in the present piece of eternity with you.  Seek not to be excluded from the ordinary, but to experience the ordinary with extraordinary reverence, sight, and illumination.  All which comes to you has the possibility of opening you, so you comprehend, at a more divine level, what is occurring around you.  Be still, be quiet, and come to Me.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Here, today, is the opportunity to form that which is with you, opening to it, in such a way, that any boundary, any limitation vanishes in the light of the rising sun.  Live within the ordinary with an extraordinary perception of a center, spreading beyond its source, with no wall, no boundary, no stopping point, only eternity to lead The Way into the everlasting song of The Love of God.



          Be vigilant and you will hear the call.  Heed the message which is for you.  Do not concern yourself that others are not still nor quiet, that they are not seeking nor listening.  When it is their time, they will hear the call.  Pay attention, for that which calls to you is for you.  Resist the temptation to still others, from their dance, to quiet others, from their song.  The time will come to each being, upon Earth.  There will be times of dance and song for some, and vigilance and listening for others.  Whatever you are called to do, do, and know it is for you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you look, you see the dewdrops.  When you focus, you see the colors sparking in the dewdrops.  When you open, you know it is all one.



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          It is always possible to celebrate life upon Earth.  When you can dance, dance lifting your feet high off the ground, and your arms above your head, singing, for you have life.  When you can no longer dance, sit and sing, and smile, watching the dance go up and down, round and round.  When you can no longer sit, recline, and sing, and smile for in the feeling of the song, and the rhythm of the feet going up and down, there is the memory, there is the song.  When you can no longer sing, smile and allow the memory of the dance and song of the celebration of life upon Earth to move within you.  All forms of celebration will be with you at one time or another, so do what you can, when you can, and be happy in the doing of it.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           In the time of reflection, you will see and know that all things came to you at the right time.