God Speaks

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          Hear Me, do not speak ill of another, even though your tongue is wagging to be set free.  Do not cast your words of hate, anger, or jealousy of another out into the world to find a home in an ear eager to find fault.  Wash your thoughts clean before they grow to anger, animosity, for such ways will lead you into enmity.  Keep your own counsel, always going within to sit with Me, where you will find peace, enlightenment, and unity.  You will be enlightened in The Way of truth.  I will teach you how to walk in your own light without the desire to cast aspersions on another.  Sit with Me so you can see how to rise-up without climbing atop another, pushing them down into muck and mire.  In this way you will always be at peace, knowing I AM with you in all you do.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Stand up in The Light, refusing to allow venom for another to sully the view.



          Come, and let Me hold you in the hours of the new day.  The rising sun will warm you.  Remnants of dew will form, as glistening gemstones, each droplet clinging to a blade of grass, or a leaf on the tree.  And the sun will warm them too, as they make their way from dew, to droplet, to gem, before they glide down the blade or leaf, releasing that which was, to fulfil that which is to be.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not fear the unknown, for you are traveling it with Me.  Every breath you take, releases that which was into that which is to be; ever present, ever living, ever glimmering, every breath following breath, one after another, flowing into all that is.  Fear not, and walk with Me.



          Windows allow the passing of light, so a room, which was dull, maybe even dark, is brightened within the light.  Windows allow one to peer from behind walls into unwalled freedom.  Windows are as prisms wherever there are facets to bring brilliance to the light.  Windows can also distort the light, if debris is not wiped away.  Without the cleansing, the view, and the light entering a room, can be distorted, altering that which is true. 

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           My light comes to you from within, and all around you.  The possibility of total enlightenment is with you.  Clean your windows and allow The Light to live, saturating all that is within you.  In this way, every facet of your being will bring brilliant light unto the world.



          Let us look into the face of today, together, and bring forth a most beautiful creation.  As you live, your mortal lifetime, you are meant to cocreate with Me.  You see a need, and we create that which fills that need, with love.  Within the creation is the wonder of our relationship.  We grow together, as we create together, acknowledging trust along The Way.  As each day turns, and creation comes forth, you come to know I AM with you, in all things; for, in cooperative creation, it is so.  Today is like all other days.  We will find a need, and in the stillness of the question, the answer will come forth and sing-out, celebrating the cocreation between you and Me.  You see My child, that is how it is meant to be.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           You will find harmony and unity within the constructs of cooperation, and cocreation.





          There is no river between us.  There is no desert, nor is there vast space of any kind, between us.  We are as close as a sweet whisper, leaving loving lips, flowing into the ear, and the heart, and the soul, of every one of my creations.  There is an inclination to describe Me, and The Eternal Home, from whence you came, with words.  But there are no words, in any spoken language, which can define the divine, completely, to its ultimate meaning.  Yet, it is your Home, The Source of your eternal life.  So, do not look to institutions, or great pieces of art, or learned books, to find that which you seek.  You will find answers to all longings, as you traverse the aisles, avenues, and corridors of your inner landscape.  That is where you will find Me and come to meet your destiny.  It is all within you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Come.  I AM the Sacred Compass, within.  I shall show you The Way, at all times, through all time.  Do not ignore that which you carry, that which was implanted, within you, long before the world knew your name.



          There is a landscape few take the time to explore, while they live their life upon Earth.  So often, adventure, and the experience of traveling to new places, means going to a different country, or city, or state.  Less often, adventure, and the experience of traveling to a new place, means traversing the avenues within, those corridors which have been waiting for you.  The complete Earth experience is a combination of both.  One without the other leaves you incomplete, in so many ways.  The most important journey you will take does not require luggage, or expensive tickets or reservations.  The most important journey you will take is the adventure within along the avenues and corridors of your soul.  The spirit, which is you, is ready and waiting for you to awaken to the call and commence the inner journey.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Be still, be quiet, and allow Me to share all you are ready to bear, as you take the journey, within.  I AM here.  Take My words as guideposts along the avenues and corridors of what has been uncharted territory for far too long.


          Awaken to the flow of light: shifting, turning, encompassing all; lifting up, seeing more than was possible to see before the fall; riding high, ceasing not; continuing on a beam, seemingly meant just for thee.  And it was, and is, and ever shall be yours.  Allowing yourself to experience the escape within the light beam is paramount to realization and knowing, holding wisdom, for a while.  Knowledge is not wisdom.  A book read does not guarantee understanding.  A class taken will not reward the gift of compassion for the exercise.  Yet, walking with Me does all these things, and more.  For, together we will follow the flow of light, wherein wisdom will rise, and clarity will lead you to The Way, so you might see.  And with precision, which cuts through the debris of all matters, The Master Sculptor shall bring forth multifaceted brilliance from a stone, and the diamond will shine. 

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           In the hands of The Master all things are possible.  A diamond shall come forth from a stone, and from a solitary beam of light all facets will echo the brilliance, showing The Way from that which was created long ago.