- 17
- Nov
- 2024
November 17, 2024
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
Be still and know we are One. Life comes from the source, the center, the place from whence comes eternal life. Just as the pear, the apple, the orange, melons, flowers, vegetables, you too continue from a seed, buried deep within, at the core. This is true of your physical life as well as your spiritual life. Let nothing move you from this. You come from Me, and continue in Me. For all eternity we are One.
And The Holy Spirit says:
The apple clings to the tree until it is time to release. And when the apple is released from the tree, it holds, at its core, all that is needed to reproduce the tree and abundant fruit, apples galore. Creation continues all the time. See it in nature and know. This continuation is within you, as well. God is the tree, and you are the fruit. You have been released to live in the soil of Earth, for a while. You hold the seeds within you. Plant the trees and all of Earth will harvest the fruit.