- 01
- Dec
- 2023
Preparing for Advent November 15, 2023 – December 1, 2023
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InAdvent
For many years we have posted the messages we receive in morning prayer on our website; and, in recent years, added them to our podcast, as well. It was easy to remain faithful to this quiet mission, as the messages came from God and The Holy Spirit, during morning prayer, every day. The messages led us through times of shadow and darkness, with confidence. They led us in times of absolute joy, singing, and dancing. They led us, and we followed.
My dearest Michael made the passing from the physical/material life, returning Home on Saturday, June 12, 2021. Still our daily times of prayer continued, as his presence was palpable. We continued, just as before, praying, receiving, living in The Light and The Wisdom of The Triune God.
Now, after all these years I am being guided to not only continue with our periods of daily prayer, but to add to that which we have done in the past, by sharing that which we receive, in a more personal way. It is appropriate to begin with the season of Advent, which begins the liturgical year, on Sunday, December 3. 2023. Advent consists of the four Sundays and weekdays leading to the celebration of Christmas. It is a time of preparation for our hearts and minds for the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, which we celebrate on Christmas.
Michael and I participated in the season of Advent with enthusiasm, with singing and prayer. We encouraged retreat guests at The Quiet Place to consider the time of quiet meditation worthy of their attention, to live in the moment of each present day, leading up to the celebration of Spirit made Flesh, to dwell amongst us, The Incarnation of Jesus (incarnation meaning “embodied in flesh or taking on flesh, spirit becoming flesh, spirit dwelling within the physical body.”) We felt great comfort in the Franciscan understanding of Christmas, that The Incarnation was not simply for a moment in the past, but for now— always and forever.
Today, I am inviting you to walk through the season of Advent with me, and to attend to each day, each person we meet along The Way, with honor, simply holding the present, as a candle, to light that which is to come.
So, let us begin, preparing to participate in the season of Advent. Thank you for walking with me.