Home / Sunday Sermon / April 23, 2023

April 23, 2023


      “I AM with you.  Hear Me.  I AM with you.  Feel My presence, stirring with thee, for it is all truly one.  Heaven is with you, now.  I AM with you, now.                        

      “You might think that Heaven awaits you.  And through the process of your physical body, your earthly body passing, ending, dying, you feel you will gain entrance into The Kingdom of God.  And this is not quite true.  The Kingdom of God is already with you.  But you will not open your eyes and see it.  You will not open your ears and hear it.  Therefore, you cannot open your mouth and speak of it.  But I tell you, it is with you. 

      “Heaven does not exist in some far-off place, in another planet.  It is with you.  And you have access to it, now.  I urge you, do not delay, your participation, in a heavenly experience, of Earth.  Open your eyes, and begin to see the light, and the beauty, of God’s creation that is with you.  He did not create, and then, fling it away.  God’s creation remains with God, and so do you, because you are created of God.  God knew you before you were created.  You were a thought, and a word, and you live.  And your life is not this temporary existence, you are experiencing, on Earth, right now.  Your life is eternal.  You are missing the excitement of this portion, this piece, of your eternal life.  Live your everyday life, as if you know this, as if you embrace that this is your eternal life.  For, if you can do this, then you can actually look forward to the change that will surely come, as it comes to the caterpillar, before it takes flight as the butterfly.  That is an example, in nature, of what you do.  Your transition, from one portion, or piece, of your eternal life to another, is beautiful, and glorious.  And if you will begin celebrating that you are living in eternity, right now, you will not fear the transition, you will welcome it to see what comes next in this great eternity that is the creation of God.

“Wake-up, and live.”