Home / Daily Message / February 2, 2024

February 2, 2024


          If right now you are thinking you will never be what you once thought you could be, then be still.  If right now you are thinking you will never be what you were meant to be, then be still.  For right now, I will tell you, you are just where you are meant to be, for now.  What is where you are telling you?  You will discover so much wisdom simply by acknowledging where you are, now; and that every choice made has been a steppingstone to the present now; and that every choice hereafter will be a steppingstone to a new present now.  My child, it is all inside you.  The choice is yours.  The steppingstones are yours.  The present now is yours.  Embrace all of it, even the times you felt were the lowest, even when you felt your choice could have been different, possibly even should have been different.  What I will tell you is to gather the lessons from each choice and use them as your book of wisdom, showing you how to get from every set stone to the present now, filled with peace and quiet joy.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you look at a beautiful tapestry, you see life in the people depicted there, or in the animals, or the bits of nature stitched so carefully by hand.  When you look, you see the completed tapestry, and marvel at its beauty.  And that is how God sees thee.  When the first stitch is sewn you cannot see the entire tapestry, with the naked eye, but the vision of it is held within the heart of the one who pulls the threads in and out, making decisions of color, and space.  And with the final stitch it is all revealed, with clarity, every bit of nature, every animal, each face, once envisioned, now whole and complete, every thread, with every color, each counted space,