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              A sea of tranquility will lap at the shore of your soul, if you will permit the touch of peace, in an otherwise frantic atmosphere.  So, whenever you are tempted to frustration, by someone or something, be quick to seek the arms of stillness and there in abide for a while with […]

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            Allow tranquility to fill you with peace whenever it comes to you.  And then remember what to do to keep it so.  Remember how peacefulness lifted you on gossamer wings beyond the mundane, as if you were floating above all material things into a realm of beauty of the soul, pure, perfect, compelling.  […]

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              When you fly, and your course is with the angels, you shall not lose your way, no matter night or day.  When you speak, and the words you choose, are pure, true, and of your spirit, you shall not stand alone, for all of Heaven will stand with you, in the light […]

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            When you put on new clothes, or old clothes which have been washed, and ironed, and look new again, you feel better.  You stand taller, your smile brighter, your words confident.  The same thing occurs when your spirit is renewed, rejuvenated by putting on spiritual garments, within, robing yourself in fabric which has […]

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              When you are free, there is none who can harm thee.  Here, take My hand, and see.  Here, take My hand, and I will lead thee.  When your heart is at peace and calmness reigns within, there is unconfined joy, which none can take from thee.  Look and see how wonderful life […]

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            No matter what you are facing today, take yourself to a quiet place.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Settle yourself within, as you listen to the song of the bird, the breeze in the trees.  As all around you awakens, within you a feeling of calm, breathe deeply, as you seek revelation of what […]

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