Home / Sunday Sermon / February 20, 2022

February 20, 2022



      “I AM with you.  With your intention, to be with Me, it is as a knock on the door.  And with My intention, to be with you, that door is opened.  Heaven and Earth flow as one.  We come together, and we flow as one.  For, in your seeking, I respond.  And My answer invites you to walk The Way with Me, to ask the questions, so you can see, and know, and hear the answer, and live The Way, it was meant to be.  Come, take My hand.  Walk with Me.                                               

“Let us talk about the importance of setting yourself aside, on a daily basis, setting a time, when you are quiet, ad still, and you turn away, from the ways of the world, and come, into this quiet place, with Me.  For, it is during these times, that I will give you the answers to all that you need, because that, which you need to know, will flow between us, as we come together, during that time.

      “There is no question, that is forbidden.  There are no boundaries set, limiting where we shall go, together.  For, we shall walk, together, and know, no time, no limitation, no boundary.  All that you seek will be given to you.  All that we find, together, will be as cherished treasure.  And all that we know, will bring us closer, together, as one.  For, the grand intention is not to hide information from you, but to wait, until your maturity, brings you to a place of knowing, what to ask, so it can be given to you.  You arrive, at this stage, this state of being, through practice.  Establishing a spiritual practice is the most important thing you can do, to enrich the life you are to experience, upon Earth, because you are making use of all, that is intended, for you.  Without your spiritual connection, it is as if you are hopping around on one leg, loosing your balance, tipping over.  If you are to be, in balance, in harmony, with all that is around you, make use of that, which is available for you.  Set yourself aside, so you might be at peace, so you might know, how to use, what is available, for you to use.

      “Establishing a spiritual practice takes intention, because there will be days when you feel you are too busy, too occupied, to stop, and call on Me.  Do not fall into that trap.  There is no day, too busy.  There is no particular time, that you will be too occupied.  This is only what you think.  But I know, when you take the time, to pause, and set yourself aside, in your spiritual practice, your day will flow, easier.  You will be in balance with what is happening around you.  You will be led to do that, which needs to be done.  The Way will be made clear for you.  You will no longer be in chaos, nor confusion, about what to do, because, from within, you will hear, and know.  That place, within you, is the place to go, every day.  And, as your practice, begins to take on an importance, for you, you will grow.  You will know.  You will hear, and feel, and see.  Your faith will bring you to the place of knowing.  And that place, of knowing, is where I will be, reaching-out My hand, to say, ‘Come, walk with Me’.”