Home / Daily Message / January 28, 2024

January 28, 2024


          When the current of everyday life seems to have dashed you against the bank, I will float you free, so you can continue, with Me.  Do not struggle, to remain on the side, as the water flows by, fearful of what will next occur.  My love for you will buoy you, so you feel as if you are hovering over the water, like a butterfly, quenching its thirst.  When the water turns choppy, stay the course.  It is possible for you to be in constant communion with Me.  Speak and I hear.  Cry and I shall dry every tear, with My love for thee.  Allow the fears of yesterday to flow from you.  Do not seek to hold on to the past, just let it flow from you.   And you will see.  Yes, you will see the glory all around thee, for it is there, in the air, in the soil, in the rocks, and rivers, and desert.  It is there in the song of the bird, and the fluttering of wings.  It is there in the jewel like shimmer of a drop of dew caught in the light of the morning sun.  My child, it is all there, with you, and I AM too.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Let it be, and harken unto Me, for I AM whispering, from within, to guide and comfort.  Do not struggle to be free, of the past.  Relax, and it shall float from thee.  Be still, be quiet, and harken unto Me.