Tag Archives: God’s love for you

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            There is a place of meeting, where time is unknown, and all things are known.  It is when we are in sweet communion, and you know Me as well as I know thee.  It is when we are as one, and nothing else matters, except our love.  It is a place of birthing, […]

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            Where can you go to live within the gift of love every minute, of every day?  The answer is right where you are, now.  You might have heard it said, or possibly read, that God is Spirit, and God love.  Have you taken the time to study upon those word, and Who spoke […]

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              Comes the brightness of a new day, which calls you from the deepest slumber.  All is aglow, shining, new, exciting.  My love is calling you, also, and it will not fade with the changing hour, or season. My love is constant, ever with you.  No placement of the sun, nor the moon, […]

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            When the time of rest is done, and the rays, from the light of the rising sun, call you to the breaking day, rise-up, with joy, without delay.  For you have reclined within My love, restored, rejuvenated, ready for the coming day, and all it brings your way.  Now, is the time for […]

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              In tender notes of a beautiful song, you will hear Me.  In the splashing of a river against its bank, you will hear Me.  In the bouncing melody of the bird, you will hear Me.  In the quiet sound of an autumn leaf, touching the ground, you will hear Me.  In the […]

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            Listen.  Listen to the song of your heart and it will sing, “I love you.”  At the core of your being, there is love.  Do not diminish the love by denying it is inside you.  It is there.  It is there, for I AM there.  Open the door and see the beauty, within […]

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            So, at the end of the day you still stand.  You breathe.  You hold life, within your body.  And this is true, no matter what has happened to you, throughout the day.  Notice this truth and you will reach an amazing conclusion.  You are stronger than you think you are.  There is nobility […]

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