Home / Daily Message / March 2, 2024

March 2, 2024


          When the time of rest is done, and the rays, from the light of the rising sun, call you to the breaking day, rise-up, with joy, without delay.  For you have reclined within My love, restored, rejuvenated, ready for the coming day, and all it brings your way.  Now, is the time for action, a readiness to act from the love, which we have nurtured, together, as you did rest.  Face all things, without reaction, but action, streaming from the well of My love, which is within you.  You are ready.  Do not delay.  Rise-up and greet the new day.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           It can be tempting to remain in the sweetness of sleep, reclining in the lap of God.  But the time always comes when you are to take that which you have been given and rise-up to meet whatever doth come your way.  Act in love, kindness, and the light of God will shine forth from all you do.  You are ready.  Rise-up and greet the new day, for it is here, for you.


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