Home / Daily Message / January 6, 2024

January 6, 2024


          Do not be fooled into thinking that it will be easy to open your mind, to readjust habits of thought, to unfold learned prejudices and see in a different light.  It will be challenging because the ways are ingrained in your brain as well as your heart.  If you will come and sit with Me, I will show you truth, as you are meant to see it.  The truth will strip away all forms of habits of thought, and prejudices, and do so in a gentle way, as long as you are willing to consider something you have not considered before.  We will begin with coming to know that all creation is the same at its core.  You, and every other person, every other creation, come from the same source.  At your core you are the same, and that same is My love for you, My loving you into creation.  So, as we move forward, in truth, you will see the core, the source, is My love.  Knowing this you will find it easier to abide within My love.  It shall be My love which will open your mind, My love which will readjust your habits of thought, and My love which will unlearn prejudices which have been planted, within you.  It shall all be accomplished, within My love, for you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           That which can seem impossible for you to accomplish, on your own, shall be done within the love of God, the love of God, for you.