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            Let us look into the face of today, together, and bring forth a most beautiful creation.  As you live, your mortal lifetime, you are meant to cocreate with Me.  You see a need, and we create that which fills that need, with love.  Within the creation is the wonder of our relationship.  We […]

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            Where will this day take thee?  Upon rising, you have an idea of how your day will go, because of the list of things which wait to be done by you.  However, those things, not written by you, are what hold the surprise and delights of the day.  They are of The Spirit.  […]

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            Every season springs forth with life, lives, then heralds the coming of another.  Nature plays out before you in a way which is easy to take for granted.  Night follows day, and day follows night.  There are some in the plant kingdom which do the same.  Watch nature and you will see your […]

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            Trust in Me, for I AM ever speaking to thee.  Do not allow the noise of the world around you to fill you and distract you from the total experience of The One.  For My child, it is true.  It is all one, connected in such a magnificent way as to allow individual […]

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            There are no barriers but those you construct with your doubt.  If you dream of it, or long for it, it is within you.  But it is you who must bring your creation into absolute being.  Dreaming acknowledges the seed.  Longing acknowledges tender care.  Nothing is impossible for Me; therefore, nothing is impossible […]

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            When morning comes, and you rise-up to greet it, fill your cup.  Fill your cup, when morning comes, with glory, shimmering all around you.  Open wide, and fill your cup, with the potent elixir of love. Nothing can harm you, nothing can disturb you, through the day when it begins with the creation […]

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            Look around, what do you see?  Do you see eternity?  Well, it is there, in the soil, in the rocks, in the air all around you.  Just because you cannot see it, does not mean it is not there, with you, revealing itself only to those who will be still and quiet so […]

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