- 07
- Jan
- 2022
January 7, 2022
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
It is time for you to step into a personal, spiritual practice, something you do every day. This habit, of a spiritual practice, every day, will strengthen your spiritual muscles, in the spirit that is you. You are paying attention to your physical form, but your spiritual body is getting flabby, worn, actually worn-out, from lack of use. An every day, spiritual practice, will strengthen your spiritual body, so that when the time comes, for you to complete your spiritual mission, to do that, which you are upon Earth to do, you will have the spiritual strength to do it. You have a finite number of days, before your leave the Earth, and your physical form, and continue, on your eternal journey. Begin to know this, as when you know it, your spiritual body will be more important to you, than your physical body. It is time to step into a spiritual practice, every day, so you gain the strength, to walk The Way.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Begin to talk to yourself, your spiritual, true, identity. Just as you encourage your physical presence to keep going, to get something done, speak to your spirit, the spirit that is you. Begin to connect with the real you, because the spirit, that is you, your soul, does not experience death, of any kind. It does not die. It does not wither away. Spend more time with the eternal you, and then, when the eternal you, the spirit that is you, has reached a place of strength, and power, faith, and trust, then turn around, to your physical form, and say, “Come, this is what we will do,” because, at that point, the body will not deny the spirit, because you have willed it so.