- 22
- Jul
- 2023
July 17, 2023
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
My kingdom is within you, it is near to you, it is in the midst of you, it goes with you, wherever you go. It is as real, as all you see around you, and more so. It is the fulfillment of all around you. It is the shimmering presence, within you. You carry My kingdom forth, into the world created by man, as it was meant to be, from creation itself. You cannot see My kingdom, just as you cannot see My Holy Spirit, dwelling within you. Yet, My kingdom, as My Holy Spirit, is with you, always. When you shed your garment of flesh, you will see, and smile, and know. It is all with you, all the time. And this will bring you great joy.
And The Holy Spirit says:
In the most quiet of times, when you are silent and still, you feel My presence. It has been said that Heaven is near to you. It is as near to you as I AM near to you. You carry the kingdom of God, within you, and it is waiting for you to remember. Remember.