- 14
- Mar
- 2023
March 12, 2023
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InSunday Sermon
“I AM with you. Oh yes, those of you, listening to My words, who have walked with Me, for years, know, I AM with you. We walk in the garden. We jump over the stream. We splash in the puddles and breathe-in the aroma of spring. We do these things together because, I AM with you. Do not hesitate. It is time, for you, to awaken, and see the unseen.
“When I walked upon the Earth, thousands of years ago, I talked about the unseen. But most found it difficult to comprehend that the unseen is more powerful than the seen, that there is more going on in the realm of the unseen, then there is in the seen. And that, which goes on in the realm of the unseen, holds more significance than anything happening in the seen. You might say, it is where the action is.
“To get beyond the lack of comprehension, I often told stories, showed examples, talked, sometimes, in what appeared to be riddles. But, at those points, I was seeking, using those words, to touch the heart, and the soul, of those who were ready, to step beyond. So, some walked away baffled. Others walked away with a practical lesson, that they could apply to their life, every day. But those, who were ready, to step into the unseen, grasp the hidden meaning, of the words, in the scenes that I painted, all in the speaking, for those who were listening, to comprehend infinity, to see, that they were living, their eternal life, at that very moment. And so, it helps to have an example. A tree that changes, all through the seasons, one season bare, another season filled with fruit, enough to feed those, waiting below, food dropping from above, to feed you. A good example. But those, who were ready, to go beyond, did not see the tree, or the fruit, falling from above, they saw the manna from Heaven, and knew it was so.
“Knowing the sun is in the sky, knowing the moon will rise, knowing the stars will be evident, and fully bright, even when the sky is cloudy, or rainy, or stormy; these things happen, and you cannot see, what you know, is there. It is the same. So, take some time to sit with that, and nurture that knowing, within you. You do not have to go anywhere. You do not have to raise a finger, or turn the page, of a book. Just be still. And go within.
“Cultivate that knowing, within, so no matter what is happening in your life, be it snow, or rain, or storm, you know I AM, with you. You just know it. And in the knowing of it, you are accessing the unseen, that is always with you. The seen will crumble. The seen will break down. The seen can be taken from you. But the unseen lives forever, as you do.”