- 23
- Mar
- 2023
March 23, 2023
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
What does it take, for a tree, to grow strong and tall, reaching toward the sky? It takes rich soil, water, sunlight, and the roots, of the surrounding community, of trees, moving through the soil, supporting, engaging, caressing, nurturing, weaving a grid of sustaining energy, one tree to another. And, when one tree falls, there are others, close by, to receive the falling tree, in the arms, of their branches, to be held, suspended, until the time of release, Even in the releasing, the life of the tree continues, returning to Mother Earth, enriching the soil, becoming the promise of life to come, a gift, from that which has been. It is a circle of birth, living, releasing, blessing, and becoming the enriching source of life for that, which is yet to be. And it is the same, with you, My child. I AM The Community for thee.
And The Holy Spirit says:
You can find the mystery explained, when you sit, in nature, heart open, preconceived notions released, perspective altered, ready to see, and know, that which you did not know before, before you sat, amongst the trees.