Home / Daily Message / March 3, 2023

March 3, 2023


      Listen, be still, be quiet.  Just be.  Close your eyes, and just be, for just as you are, I love thee.  And it is together we shall walk the Earth, until your journey, there, is done, and it is time to move on, into the rest of eternity, you, and Me.  When you are willing to slow your pace, and move in peace, you will begin to feel the flutter of angelic wings, hovering close, so close you feel their presence, with you.  Heavenly hosts surround you.  Oh, there is so much more to living upon Earth than the daily jobs, and chores, and worrisome tasks.  Let it be that you make the time to walk amongst angels, and know their presence, with you.  Let it be that you make the time to walk with Me, and know My presence, with you.  For, we are, with you, and we are all one.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Just as you are, begin your day, just as you are.  For, just as you are, is how you come to God, feel the angels, with you, and know I AM, within you, to guide you, all your days, upon Earth.