Home / Daily Message / November 22, 2021

November 22, 2021


      Be gentle with those who seem to have lost their way, for just like you, they, too, are on their path, searching, seeking.  If you want to lead, lead by example.  If you want your words to be heard, be the living word.  Be kind, and generous with those you encounter along The Way.  Let a song of thanksgiving rise-up from your heart, inviting others to join in the song.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       When you are tempted to prod, or preach, or nag, with your speech, resist that temptation, and live what you believe.  To the infinite degree, live what you want to say, live what you want to preach, and the unspoken words will speak.  It is a silent language, more powerful than the spoken word.  It is the living word.  Be the living word.