Home / Daily Message / September 29, 2023

September 29, 2023


          It takes very little time to be kind to another person, animal, vegetable, all the Earth.  It takes very little time.  The impetus of kindness is held in the seed within you, and the desire of your heart to sow the seeds of kindness, wherever you go.  It really has nothing to do with the closeness of you and another.  It has everything to do with the desire, within you, to use that which you carry for the good of all, for the honor of blessing Earth and all her inhabitants.  The source of a garden of kindness is within you, but to see it grow and spread you must sow the seeds My son, My daughter.  You must take the time to sow the seeds.  And that takes very little time.  Take the time.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           You will be as kind as you desire to be.  You carry the seeds of kindness within you.  But before the garden springs to life from you, you must desire to do so.  Make the time.


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