Tag Archives: doubt

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            Let go of every fear, which seems to be haunting you, from a million years away, yet drawing closer every day.  For, fear is not the reality.  Fear is created within you.  You give birth to it.  Thus, making it your reality, sometimes, when you do not know what to do.  This feeling […]

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            Do not waste your time fearing that which has not yet happened.  Rather choose to prepare for all things by sitting quietly with Me.  Work your spiritual muscles in stillness, by asking and receiving guidance in all ways, for all things.  Once the practice of quietly asking what you need to know, and […]

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            Today, think only of how you can move forward in the continuing creation, serving others, every step of The Way.  By living this way your circle of possibilities widens, pushing the circumference of your existence farther and farther away until it no longer exists.  By living this way thoughts of lack, even doubt, […]

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            There are no barriers but those you construct with your doubt.  If you dream of it, or long for it, it is within you.  But it is you who must bring your creation into absolute being.  Dreaming acknowledges the seed.  Longing acknowledges tender care.  Nothing is impossible for Me; therefore, nothing is impossible […]

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            Do not toil in the ways of gloom, for to do so will only lead you deeper and deeper into sadness and hopelessness.  You are meant to dance in The Light, and sing the songs of eternal glory, so that the energy of the vibration will lift you up.  When you sit in […]

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                Do not be labored by an endless chain of doubt, doubt of what you have done in the past, doubt about what you are doing today, doubt about what is going to happen in the future.  While you sit with Me, together we will break the chains of doubt, and you […]

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            When you are tempted to think ill of others, squelch the notion before it becomes the bud, which flowers, in your thoughts.  Be still and quiet, prayerful in your way of starting each day.  By sitting with Me such thoughts will melt away, becoming prayers of support for the light to surround that […]

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