Tag Archives: God with you

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                Whenever you long to know My touch, My presence with you, remember this.  I AM embracing you each time the warmth of the sun touches your body.  I AM running My fingers through your hair each time the energy of the wind lifts your hair then releases it as it skirts […]

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            See Me in the morning, when the sun is rising, giving the world its light.  See Me in the evening colors, as the sun says good night, and the evening is as a blanket, spreading over the busyness of the day.  At all times I AM with you.  When comes the night, release […]

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              Come with Me and let us walk through the day together, just you and Me.  For, I AM here, always near, no matter where your day might go.  There is nothing to stop us, as we find no hesitation, only joy, and a glorious refrain to brighten every aspect of the day.  […]

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            I AM always there.  In stillness you will hear.  I will free you from all that is harsh, and hard.  We can do all things.  Together we will take to wing.  We will lift-up from the dust of unwanted things, which have held you in place.  Rise-up.  My child, you can rise-up.  No […]

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                Only in My arms will you find true peace.  Hear Me, I AM calling to thee so you might see the wonders all around you.  It is endless, continuing, without work, or prodding.  It is all set in place to continue, and so are you.  That feeling inside, that you will […]

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                Do you see Me?  Do you hear Me?  Still know, I AM standing with you, in all you do. I will not go, nor turn away.  I will be close to you, drawing you near to Me, and together we shall be, for that is how it is meant to be.  […]

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                Do not fear what you hear.  My child, do not fear.  For, I AM with you, in all you do.  I AM with you, when you cry; and I AM with you, in all you do.  So, My child, do not fear, and do not cry.  Here I AM.  Take My […]

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