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            When I whisper to you in the stillness of the night, you will hear Me.  When I reach for you in the quiet of the night, you will feel Me.  For you see, My whisper, My reaching, are happening, within you.  So, if you stir, during the night, do not dismiss it, rolling […]

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            There is mystery in quiet.  There is majesty in stillness.  And, in each one, quiet and stillness, is held the wisdom of the moment, which is not shared with others, but held as sacred, within. And The Holy Spirit says:            When you are still and quiet you become aware of My presence […]

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            Walking a path of solitude clears the head and heart, preparing for a plentitude of people, and issues, and the ways of the world.  Walk often, alone, when there is no chatter and you can feel My presence with you, for it is in these times you will find wisdom in silence.  And […]

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            Be vigilant and you will hear the call.  Heed the message which is for you.  Do not concern yourself that others are not still nor quiet, that they are not seeking nor listening.  When it is their time, they will hear the call.  Pay attention, for that which calls to you is for […]

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            I AM always there.  In stillness you will hear.  I will free you from all that is harsh, and hard.  We can do all things.  Together we will take to wing.  We will lift-up from the dust of unwanted things, which have held you in place.  Rise-up.  My child, you can rise-up.  No […]

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              Comes a new day, and if you listen, you will hear it speak to you through the birds, the bees, the flowers, and trees.  You will hear what it does say, if you are quiet, and still.  And the repeated whispers, carried on the wind, will be, “Here I am, I have […]

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              Do not allow the desire to retaliate consume you, drying up the river of love within you, until you are course and brittle.  For My child, this is not The Way.  If you will come and sit with Me, we will look and see the truth in the matter, which is boiling […]

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