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Advent – December 13, 2023




December 13, 2023

The Eleventh Day of Advent



The adjust-as-you-grow roller skates, I ordered for one of my granddaughters, for Christmas, arrived yesterday.  Protection gear, matching the skates in color and the designs, arrived in another box.  The skates are just perfect, pink in color, rainbows on each side, and wheels which light up as you go.  I found myself getting excited just thinking of her rolling along the sidewalk, off on an adventure.  Somehow, I found comfort in the padding for elbows, knees, and wrists.  She already has a helmet, so protection is in place for her journey around the neighborhood.  As I wrapped the gift, that inner voice called again, reminding me that God had given me the same type of gift long, long ago, when it was my time to begin my adventure on Earth.  My gift was colorful in a way suiting me perfectly, a unique touch just for me.  No matter where I would go, the traction propelling my travels would light up, as I made my way.  Even safety gear was included in my gift of life upon Earth.  The Holy Spirit of God is within me to comfort and teach and lead The Way.  I like to think that God was a bit excited just thinking of me rolling along, off on an Earth adventure of my lifetime, protection included.  Because you have chosen to accompany me through this Advent season, my season is richer, brighter, holds even more meaning.  And for this I am thankful.  Thank you for being my companion, walking The Way.


          On this eleventh day of Advent, 2023, the reading I have chosen is from Isaiah 30:21.

The Reading

December 13, 2023

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”  Isaiah 30:21


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