Home / Sunday Sermon / April 3, 2022

April 3, 2022



      “I AM with you.  Do not be so surprised, to hear those words.  You read about it, you sing about it, in old hymns, and songs.  It has been told to you, that I walk with you, when you ask.  It has been told to you, that if you love Me, and if you love God, We will come to you, and be with you, and live with you.  So why are you surprised, to hear Me say, I AM with you, today?  Believe it.  Go beyond, hearing it.  Go beyond, singing it, and believe it.  And, in the believing, there will come, the gift, of knowing it.   And once you know it, it can never be taken from you.  You will know I AM with you.


      “This seems the appropriate day, to say, these words.  When those around you are willing to celebrate you, and all that you have done, celebrate.  Let them speak, of the things you have accomplished.  Let them be happy, in your endeavors.  And you, be happy, as well.  Celebrate all the portions of life, that have these strong meanings, that move other people, to say your name, and to say it, enthusiastically.  Enjoy these times! Do not become arrogant, in these times.  If, you do it right, there is a blessing of humility, in these times, because the truth is all the good you do, all the amazing things you do, all this goodness, comes from God, to you, and through you.  So, as you celebrate, remember, to yourself, and to say, ‘Let us give the glory to God.’  It is meant to be this way, because those days are few, when those around you want to celebrate, you. 

      “Most days, you go about your business, and do, what you believe, you are supposed to do.  And the friends around you talk, and come, and go.  But then, there will be days, when those you once did know, were singing your praise, will turn from you, will walk away from you.  And, with the humility, that you did grow, within you, you will come to know, and understand.  You will not be angry, with the rejection, of your hand.  You will understand, the power of free will, as you choose to do, that which you think you should do, and others around you do the same.  While they are no longer, singing your name, you can still love them, know them, because, in humility, you know yourself, and you know those around you.  And then, you go deeper, and know the spirit, that is you.  And the spirit, that is you, knows the spirit, of those around you.  Time, on Earth, is interesting because there are bodies, human bodies, but these human bodies disguise the spirit.  Do not look to the body.  Look for the spirit, in every individual, you encounter.  Then, you will not be surprised.  Then, at the most trying challenge, you will be able to still say, ‘I give the glory to God.’  You will understand more.  And often, in the rejection, you understand more, than you did, in the celebration.  I ask you to go deeper.  Do not stop with the skin, and sinew, and the bone.  Begin to look for the spirit, in everyone you meet, and even those at home. 

      “See My face, for I AM with you.  Do not make harsh judgments, based on the ways of the world.  Open, your heart, and hear, The Word of God.  And once you do, you will know where to go, what to say, how to say it.  And when the power of God moves, into you, and through you, follow, where you are led.  This is The Way, you can do, all that I did, and even greater.  When the power of God is permitted to move through you, miracles will abound, all around you.  But do not make the mistake, of The Source, of the miracle.  It is God, working through you.  So, every day, and every night, with every tear, and every delight, give the glory to God.”