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April 3, 2022
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
How, can I teach thee, when, you will not be still? How, will you hear Me, if, you will not be quiet? I speak, but you turn your head, because you are too busy, to be still, and quiet. I say unto you, make the time, to be still, and quiet. And in doing this, you will know, all you need to know. And in the knowing, fear will slip away. In the knowing, you will hold the wisdom, that you require, for that day. So, you see, My son, My daughter, it is actually the best thing to do, to make the time, so I might sit with you. And in the knowing, and the wisdom, that time we spend together, is well invested, in that, which you are meant to do.
And The Holy Spirit says:
When you are told that, the gift, you are being given, will help you live your life, in peace, and that the gift, holds all you need, to use, so you might walk The Way, with confidence, you embrace, the gift given, and use that, which it holds. Remember, you have been given the spiritual gift. I dwell, within you, and hold all that you need to know. It is yours, for the asking. Do not ignore the gift, you have been given. Use it, so you might live The Way, joyfully, with enthusiasm, singing, and dancing, all through the day, because all fear has melted away.