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                Do not struggle, grappling with the complexities created by human thought.  Go first to the core, to the source.  For, it is there you find simplicity, in its purest form.  From the seed of a thought all creation was set in motion; and you are a vital piece of the creation, […]

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            There is a light within you that will not go out.  It might seem as if it is flickering, and dimming, at times.  But that is only because of obstacles, possibly placed long ago, unrecognizable because of other debris gathered around, and within, the corridors of your inner being.  That light, ignited by […]

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              I AM the only constant.  I reach out, gathering you, within My Presence, which is constant with you.  There is not one person, living amongst you now, who can promise to be with you every second, minute, and hour, of every day.  Yet, that is My promise to you.  I AM with […]

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                Rejection is a bitter pill to swallow.  The experience is not what one wishes to repeat, or to share with others.  Acknowledge the experience, and the feelings employed within the action.  See the act of rejection as it is; and then, take a step, which will challenge you, at first.  Forgive.  In […]

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          Let all things fall from thee, as I AM there, with you.  My presence is with you, as you think, and say, and do.  Embrace the light of this day.  Breathe it into your body, drawing it deep, within your lungs, holding it, and blessing it, and releasing it, as a prayer […]

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        Walking, slowly, over Earth, to find your way, every day, and into the night, can become a weary struggle.  But it does not have to be.  No matter what challenges come to thee, it is always you and Me, and all that is, into eternity.  Solitude, when it comes, is a breath of […]

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          Know, that, which I teach thee, for that, which I teach thee, is truth, and wisdom.  The more you make the time, to sit with Me, to be in communion, with Me, our union grows stronger, and lives, and breathes.  It is a creation, between you, and Me, this sacred place, where […]

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