Home / Daily Message / March 15, 2023

March 15, 2023



      Know, that, which I teach thee, for that, which I teach thee, is truth, and wisdom.  The more you make the time, to sit with Me, to be in communion, with Me, our union grows stronger, and lives, and breathes.  It is a creation, between you, and Me, this sacred place, where we might be, united in a special way.  And in theses times, of unification, I speak, and you hear, and you know.  You know, that, which you know, that, which I AM teaching you, to be the truth, to be so.  And when you know, that, which you know, as we sit, I will reveal that, which you did not know, before.  And I will teach thee, and you will hear.  And in the knowing, we will draw near.  And in that sacred space, you will hear, and know, more than you did before, before the knowing settled into you, a piece at a time, like seeds that I AM sowing, within you, the divine.  For, the tree of wisdom to branch, and grow, within you, My child, I make it so.  That, which you know, will grow.  And once you know it, there will be more, more revelation, illumination, in the light created, in our communion.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       As a child begins to understand that, if you have one apple, and another gives you an apple, you have two apples.  And a young child knows this.  There is an apple in each hand; therefore, you must have two.  But as you grow, you learn, and begin to know, different aspects of addition, and subtraction, and multiplication, and division.  And so, that, which you know, does grow, because, you were willing to stop, and listen, so that you might know.  It is the same with your spiritual growth.  You know what you know.  Open, during the times, you sit with God, and hear.  Listen, so you might hear, and know.  And each time, as you sit, in that chamber divine, there will come a spark, a lesson, a blessing, a revelation, a new knowing.  And you rise-up knowing, that, which you did not know, before.  So, just because you know now, does not mean that there is not more.  Treasure that, which you know.  Hold it dear.  Hold it near.  Hold it, and know.