- 05
- Apr
- 2022
April 5, 2022
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
Come into My arms, and believe, you are loved. Believe it, no matter how strong the temptation is, to think you are not worthy of My love, for this is sheer trickery, to deny you, of the glory, of My love, for you. Do not listen, to the shadow spirits, the voices, who whisper, “You have no worth. Your life has no worth.” I would not say this to you. All, beings of light, would speak to you, of how you are loved, encouraging you to rise-up, and accept, the love. Pay attention. Rise-up. Walk into My arms, and you will walk, into My Light. You will know the joy. Pain will fall from you, as you rest, in My Light.
And The Holy Spirit says:
It is not unusual, for you to hear, during the course of a day, hear from within you, words that come in the form of thoughts, ideas. And these thoughts, and ideas, often draw you, from the light, because these thoughts, and ideas, were conceived, in shadow and darkness, to tempt you, into feeling, you are worthless, or of little worth, that you do not try enough, that you could have worked harder, that you could have worked longer, that you could have done this, or that, or the other, when the truth is, all you need to do, is to be, and The Light of God will enfold you, and hold you. Do not be tricked, into a shadowy existence, when you are meant to be The Light of God.