Home / Daily Message / February 16, 2023

February 16, 2023


      As you give Me your heart, I give you, My hand.  As you open your heart, My hand guides you along The Way.  As your heart rests peacefully, within My hand, clarity is yours, and that, which was hidden from you, is illuminated, within the light of our communion, and you begin to understand that we are one.  It is all One.  Take My hand and see.  Your heart, open to My love, reflects the glory of the light, and will show you The Way, wherever you encounter darkness, or shadow.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Do not be afraid, or live in fear, of: that which you cannot see, with the human eye; or, that which you cannot prove by, human theory.  From within is where you will find the glory of the light.  Illumination and clarity reveal that which you could not see.  For, that which you cannot see with the physical eye, can be seen through the spiritual eye.  Look, and see.  See, and know.  Know The Way, for it is on The Way that revelation is the treasure, which will fuel your wisdom.  You shall see, in The Glory of The Light.