Home / Daily Message / February 6, 2024

February 6, 2024


          Let My hand guide you there, from wherever you are standing now.  Much preparation goes into the planning and attending of a great event.  Each day you live is a great event.  Do not permit yourself to see it any other way.  From the rising of the sun until the day is done, completion announced in a splash of color over the sky with the setting of the sun, you are.  You live.  Prepare, for you are attending a glorious piece of eternity with every breath you take.  Let it be that you honor that which is with you.  Take it in.  Breathe deeply and let every breath you take fill your physical body with life.  Be as you are, in the present, that is with you.  Be, now.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Let the day fill you with light.  The rising of the sun is but a mere representation of what is happening within you.  All you see around you will pass away, but that which is within you will not pass away.  You shall live forever, carrying eternity within the vessel of your physical body.  But when the physical body fails you, you still live and do so in a mighty way.  Wake up and see.  Yes, the world is a magnificent place, filled with wonder and awe, but it cannot measure up to that which is within.  Live today, from within, and do so knowing I AM within you and with you, forever.