God Speaks

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          Look.  Do you see that small yellow flower?  It does not matter whether you see the flower in the meadow or see it pushing up through the cracks of a sidewalk.  You see it.  And in seeing it, that small yellow flower prompts a smile, and recognition that no matter how little you might feel: you still have the will to enjoy the delights of a brilliant meadow, you still have the will to push up through whatever has inundated you, and find the light of the sun.  That, which you will to happen, will happen.  That is the power of the will.  Will it and it shall be so.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Your true strength is within, and that is where it has always been.  So, when you are troubled, in any way, go within and you will know The Way.



          When the time of rest is done, and the rays, from the light of the rising sun, call you to the breaking day, rise-up, with joy, without delay.  For you have reclined within My love, restored, rejuvenated, ready for the coming day, and all it brings your way.  Now, is the time for action, a readiness to act from the love, which we have nurtured, together, as you did rest.  Face all things, without reaction, but action, streaming from the well of My love, which is within you.  You are ready.  Do not delay.  Rise-up and greet the new day.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           It can be tempting to remain in the sweetness of sleep, reclining in the lap of God.  But the time always comes when you are to take that which you have been given and rise-up to meet whatever doth come your way.  Act in love, kindness, and the light of God will shine forth from all you do.  You are ready.  Rise-up and greet the new day, for it is here, for you.



          Do not strangle your heart with weeds of discontent, allowing rocks and stones of anger or revenge, or hurt feelings to mar that sacred space.  Permit the garden of your heart to grow, bringing forth a harvest of love from well-tended, rich soil.  Tend your heart with thoughts of compassion, forgiveness, and love, and let them rest there, until sprouts of understanding spring forth.  It is easy to let your heart harden, lacking the ability to love, from sheer will not to do so.  Therefore, do not withhold love from any one person, place, or thing.  For, with each denial a stone is placed in the soil.  Do not withhold forgiveness or compassion from any one person, place, or thing.  For, with each denial a weed is placed in the soil.  Your heart will produce that which you sow.  Cast the seeds of love upon the well-tended garden of your heart, and you shall feed the world with a glorious harvest.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           Do not withhold love, for to do so is to strangle your heart until it is hardened to the ways of love.




          In tender notes of a beautiful song, you will hear Me.  In the splashing of a river against its bank, you will hear Me.  In the bouncing melody of the bird, you will hear Me.  In the quiet sound of an autumn leaf, touching the ground, you will hear Me.  In the rising and setting of the sun, you will see Me.  In the powerful winds, which blow, and the sweet breezes of spring, you will see Me.  In all of nature you will see Me.  In the hearing and seeing of Me, in nature, you will begin to know how present is My love for you.  I am never away from you.  I surround you, with My love.  I fill you, with My love, from within.  As you live, every day, look around you.  Be still and listen, and you will hear and see and know.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           The repetition of nature is the refrain of God’s love song for you.  Be quiet and hear it.  Be still and see its wonder.  Allow the rhapsody to carry you away, held in the arms of eternal love for you.



          Listen.  Listen to the song of your heart and it will sing, “I love you.”  At the core of your being, there is love.  Do not diminish the love by denying it is inside you.  It is there.  It is there, for I AM there.  Open the door and see the beauty, within thee.  All is beautiful in love.  You are never alone.  It is not possible, for there is a spark, within thee, placed there long ago, before you knew life, upon Earth.  Acknowledge the spark, and there will come the glow.  Delight in the glow, and a flame will grow.  And that flame will illuminate the darkness which you sometimes feel around you.  I AM singing.  Can you hear Me?  I love you so.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Love is all around you.  Love is within you.  Resist the temptation to deny the love.  For, I AM love, and I dwell within you.  If you are still, you will feel My presence.  If you are quiet, you will hear My whisper.  If you surrender, you will feel My love, for you, from within you.  Then it will grow, sustaining you through all things.  There is not one place you can go that you are alone, for I live within you.  Wherever you go, there I shall be, loving thee, forever.



          So, at the end of the day you still stand.  You breathe.  You hold life, within your body.  And this is true, no matter what has happened to you, throughout the day.  Notice this truth and you will reach an amazing conclusion.  You are stronger than you think you are.  There is nobility in your heart, soul, spirit.  And that is truth.  Even when things do not work out the way you hoped they would, you prayed they would, you will, days, weeks, or years later come to know that it all was as it was, opening doors you would not have noticed, before.  While it might be difficult to embrace, at first, when you sit with Me, after we talk, you will rise-up knowing, ready to embrace that which brought you to where you are, now, in the present piece of eternity that is with you.  Rise-up My son, My daughter, and you will see, you are strong.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Will things, people, events come into your life bringing dismay, hurt, rejection?  Yes.  Are you able to face whatever comes into your life, doing so with confidence and strength?  Yes.  God is, right now, pouring love into your being, because it is the love which created your being.  You have been loved into being, and that creative love is the source of strength, confidence.  Embrace that which is already within you, and you will recognize the strength and confidence which is, within you.  It all rests in God’s love for you, now, and forevermore.



Pathway into Lent


          Two days ago, I celebrated the completion of my 79th year.  Since my birthday usually falls within the season of Lent, I always give myself dispensation from certain Lenten abstentions and celebrate with gusto.  The day was wonderful, and rather warm for Des Moine, so there was a walk around the block with my granddaughter and son, while grandson and daughter-in-law stayed at the house preparing a glorious and festive birthday dinner.  The next day, yesterday, my son and I had a dinner date at a very fancy restaurant.  The conversation was heartwarming, and we laughed often reminiscing, dining, for a minute or two, with each rekindled memory, as course after course quietly appeared before us.  So, one could say I had a two day birthday celebration, which was not restrained in any way, even in the somber tone of Lent.  As we drove home it came to me that we need not be too strident.  Sometimes, a great treasure waits behind the door which you have to give yourself permission to open.  Just wanted to share this thought with you.   Because that is exactly what I did.  I set aside the Lenten ways, for a while, to open a door filled with love.  Allow those who love you to love you, in the way they would like.  Sometimes, those ways are taking a walk together, creating a magnificent meal just for you, enjoying a very special night out together, joining in a rousing game of Uno, or accepting love and hugs, even when the fingers bear a trace of cake icing.  Allow those who love you to love you without restraint, even in the season of Lent.

The reading I have chosen today is from Isaiah 55:12

The Reading

February 27, 2024

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”  Isaiah 55:12