- 12
- Jul
- 2022
July 12, 2022
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
Some plants, and vegetables, must be replanted, every year, so that they might grow, and bring forth a rich harvest, which will feed you, and keep your strong, sustain you, all day long. Then, there are others, that are with you, all the time. They live in the seasons. They have a rhythm. They bud. They blossom. They bloom, and feed you the fruits of the trees, and the bushes. And then, when the fall, and winter, comes, they drop their leaves, and rest, to wait, again, to feed you, from their fruit. So, there are things that you need to continue to plant, and nurture, and tend, so that you might eat of the fruit. Then, there are those things, with you, that are there, in their season, and will feed you, without the necessity of planting. It is just with you. And so it is, that I AM The Tree, that is perpetually, with you, feeding you. But there are gifts, that you have, that you work with, that you plant, that you nurture, that they grow, and you harvest, and you eat of the fruit. There are gifts. There are fruits. I AM The Tree, feeding you, continually. Yet, you have the fruits, and the seeds, to plant, and replant, and nurture, and harvest, and eat, from the garden, that is yours.
And The Holy Spirit says:
As in most things, you have an example, of the divine, by looking around you, in nature. Some things, in nature, exist, without planting, and replanting, them. They are called perennials, things that live, and continue producing foods, fruits, beautiful flowers, nuts. But then, there are things, that are with you, in nature, that are called annuals. You must plant them, for them to bring forth the gifts, that they hold within. God is perennially, eternally, with you. The gifts, of The Spirit of God, are, within you, but require tending, care, harvesting, so that they might feed you. The fruits come from the gifts. The Ultimate Gift is God’s Love for you.