Home / Daily Message / June 7, 2022

June 7, 2022



      Bring your worries, your concerns, your doubts, anxieties, bring your wounds, and pains, to Me.  Choose: that which you wish to hold onto; that (which) is positive, of My light, filled with My grace.  Hold these things close to you, because they will permit you to grow, in such a way, that the spirit, that is you, moves beyond the physical body, and there becomes a union, between the physical, and the spiritual you, where you, with every step, or glance, or word, know, that you, the spirit, are leading you, the physical form, of human being, into a new understanding, of life, upon Earth.  Once you rid yourself of negative energies, and bring them to Me, and place them in My lap, then you understand, what life, on Earth, is meant to be.  I will take from thee, all that has held thee in place, and as you surrender, these things, to Me, trusting that I will be The Divine Remedy, then you begin to walk into your spiritual being, exploring the corridors of light, and love, of compassion, and peace.  You will desire no retaliation, nor revenge, because all you see is love.  That is what I wish for you to know, My child.  I will take from you, that which is plaguing you, so you can embrace, all of My grace, and all the gifts, I have given unto you.  I implore you, bring your burdens to Me.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Amen.  So be it.  Let it be, so it done, in the light and glory of God.