Home / Sunday Sermon / May 22, 2022

May 22, 2022


      “I AM with you, in the wind.  I AM with you.  I AM with you, in the scent of the flower.  I AM with you.  I AM with you, as the rain kisses your cheek.  I AM with you.  I AM with you, as you smile, hearing the laughter, of a child.  I AM with you.  I AM with you, when the night, seems, too long, to bear.  I AM with you.  I AM with you, when you wish to dance, with joy.  I AM with you.  I AM with you.     


       “It might be difficult, for you to comprehend, that Heaven, The Dimension of Perfection, is with you, is near to you, is within you.  And so, you take this, with faith, that it is true.  Hold that faith, but I also wish to show you something, new.  If you will make a practice, of taking yourself aside, and being still, and quiet, with the intention, of communion, with God, in those sacred spaces, you create, when you are open, to revelation, to being taught, by God, God will teach you.  And you will begin to know, not just believe, not just hope, or take on faith, but know, Heaven is near to you, and with you.  This type, of revelation, cannot be taken from you.  It will be challenging, if not impossible, to describe, the experience, of the knowing, Heaven is with you.  And it is just one step into, The Ways of God.  But there is evidence, all around you.  And you can find it in the physical world, in the material world.  When you see evidence, interaction, then, you begin to understand, better, that these are signs, and messages, showing you, in little bits and pieces, how the eternal is accomplished.

        “You must be willing to drop, what you have wrapped around you, sometimes, tightly.  All that you think you know, let it go, and sit, quietly, because sometimes, the teachings, of the world, are not in alignment, with The Ways of God.  There is something missing.  Storehouses of information were lost, thousands and thousands of years ago, in a fire, or some other incident.  Something is missing.  Nothing follows a complete thread, except, when you sit, with God, and truth is revealed, in entirety.  That is when you know.  That is when you are the master of the puzzle, and the puzzle fits, because you took the time, to be taught, by God.

        “It will not work, to gather-up the material objects, and the ways of the world, and take them into the mystical, and spiritual.  It is not meant to be so.  It is meant that the mystical, the spiritual, come into the material, because the physical, the material, is animated by the spiritual.  Not the other way around.  You are spirit, first.  God is your Eternal Parent.  Begin to understand, and comprehend, the importance of being taught, by your Eternal Parent.  Nothing will be missing.  The truth will prevail.  And each, one of you, will be taught: from where you are; how you can best apply what God, is teaching you.  It will be individual instruction.  It is said, in Scripture, in the Old, and the New, Testament.  There will be a time when all will be taught by God.  Well, this is the time.

        “Drop all the debris, you have gathered, and open.  Sit, quietly.  Embrace, the revelation.  And dance, with joy, that you are taught, by God.”