Home / Daily Message / November 12, 2021

November 12, 2021



      You are the light unto the world.  You shine, with My Light, that is within you.  And when you keep yourself clean, free of shadow, and darkness, from within, your light grows, even more brilliant than it has ever been, before.  And when you find others of the light, and you join in community, your lights come together, creating a magnificent illumination, which no darkness can overpower.  Darkness cannot, will not, shall not, overpower The Light.  Darkness cannot consume The Light.  But even when it is but one light, shining, that light overpowers the darkness, for there is no darkness in My Light, and you are My Light.  Shine.  Be bright.  Illuminate the night, and bless the day, and gather together with others, who say, “Let us bring forth The Light of God, upon the Earth.”

And The Holy Spirit says:

       If you close your eyes, and imagine everything is dark, no light, then you can also imagine one, small, solitary candle, flickering, in the darkness.  The darkness cannot put out that light.  But when that solitary flame, flickers, and burns, it overpowers the darkness, no matter how widespread it might be.  And from far away, you can see that solitary light.  There is power in The Light, and The Light will overpower darkness.  Do not forget The Power within you, The Power of My Light, within you.  Go forth, into the world today, and bless it with a ray, with My Way, with My Light.  You are the light unto the world.