Home / Daily Message / November 13, 2023

November 13, 2023



          Let the wings of the angels of the night lift you from the day done, to fly with them, in peace, ‘til the rising of the sun.  And as you do, all fatigue will slip from you, as you go.  The wings of angels will buoy you and from the rapture will stream the dreams, designed just for you.  In the comfort of angels on high, you will drift through the night.  And just before the coming of the day, you will be placed within the comfort of your bed, to continue your journey upon Earth.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Life is all around you, that which is seen, and that which is unseen.  It is easy to see the power of that which you can see, with your physical eyes.  But you can also know the power of the unseen.  You will feel the energy, and come to know that the unseen is more powerful than that which is the seen.