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            Let a story about the shifting sands settle within you, and bring peace, even if you feel storms are blowing you into forms you do not recognize.  Think of the sand of the desert.  It is lifted up, and blown, with no apparent rhyme or reason.  Yet the transformation of the desert is […]

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        There will come a time when the worldly possessions, you so highly prize now, will become worthless, in your eyes. At that time, as you prepare to continue your eternal journey, ready to embrace your place, in The Eternal and Divine Flow, it will seem as if your thoughts have entered a swirling […]

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          See, that which is carried, on The Wind.  If you look closely, you can see what you could not see before you knew stillness, and took the journey, within.  The Wind enfolds that which is meant to move, from one place to another, without effort.  It is trust exemplified.  Relax, and The […]

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        In the beginning, when there was the creation of Heaven and Earth, and My Spirit was hovering, over the waters, creation was already continuing, pulsing, moving, gaining speed, transforming, and there was also a transition happening, even then.  Energy, once created, has no end.  And, so, as you look, and you see, now, […]

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