Home / Sunday Sermon / August 28, 2022

August 28, 2022



      “I AM with you.  Yes, you do feel My presence, with you.  When you are still, and there is quiet, in the stillness, you feel the presence, in the quiet, you hear My whisper, and you know, I AM there, with you.      


       “I wish to address something that each of you experiences, in your lifetime upon the Earth.  And it is this energy, these feelings, of sadness, sorrow, sometimes mourning, and grief.  These experiences come to every being, upon the Earth, who assumes the role, of the human being, for a while.  This is not a time to make decisions.  It is not a time to busy yourself, to forget.  It is a sacred time to be still, and quiet, to sit in the experience, until that time is accomplished, it is done, it is complete.  It is best not to try to avoid the experience, that comes to you, but to experience that, which comes to you.  The difference is how do you experience it.  If you run away, and deny it, you deny yourself the experience.  If you decide you will sit, in the experience, quietly, knowing that God is with you, that I AM with you, that The Holy Spirit is holding The Wisdom of God, within you, then you will sit, and be still, until all is well, again.  And when you rise-up, ready to walk into the world, once more, you will find that you are wiser, than you were before, because in the time of sadness, and sorrow, you did listen to The Holy Spirit of God, within you, whispering, showing you The Way.  And then, you rise in clarity, because you understand the experience, as it is, not cloaked, or disguised, as it is.  These are worldly emotions that come.  These things, you experience, upon the Earth, do not occur on this side of the veil.  It is an energy that you will learn to master, and you will bring the mastering art of it, back through the veil. 

      “You went to Earth.  You had the experience.  You bring back, with you, The Wisdom. 

      “Just as you cannot see, clearly, through the windowpane, which is filled with drops of rain, and sometimes condensation, you cannot see clearly, when you are filled with the pain, and the tears fall, like rain.  Just sit there and be still.  Know God is with you, and ask The Holy Spirit to guide you through.  And soon, you will be on the most beautiful ship, sails open, moving into the sunlight.  And the wind, in your sails, will be The Breath of The Holy Spirit, and The Wisdom will be with you.”