Home / Daily Message / August 30, 2023

August 30, 2023



           No matter what the world has thrown upon you today, know this, beyond all things, know this.  You are greatly loved, eternally loved.  As a gentle stream offers a sweet song of surrender, surrender to My complete love for you.  Rest, within the flowing waters and be healed, of all wounds.  Dearest one, you are loved by Me: The Creator of All Things, The Unwavering Hand, The Ever-Present With You, Your Eternal Parent.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Creation is flowing all around you and within you.  Nothing stops.  It changes, alters, sometimes morphing into another energy form.  And the changes are growth, creation continuing.  Surrender to the flow of The Creation of God, and move forward, without hesitation, embracing the new day, with all it brings your way.